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Warning.png Warning:
This page relates to a contribution for SME7. SiteX website is not available anymore. It seems that it has no upstream maintainer since 2015. Please consider another CMS.


David Harper


SiteX is an easy to use Content Management System (CMS) that enables you to create a dynamic website without programming. It comes with components such as a journal (blog), photo gallery, calendar and forum, as well as a number of themes that can be customised from within the administration interface. The site's components can be enabled and disabled from the administration interface if required, making it easy to cut out any parts you do not require.


You can install SiteX by issuing the following commands from the SME Server shell:

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-sitex
signal-event post-upgrade ; signal-event reboot


To configure SiteX, start your browser with the URL http://servername/sitex and complete the forms. Be sure to write down the administration account name and password, as you will need these to administer your website.

Important.png Note:
At the end of the configuration process, you may see a blank screen. This is a SiteX bug that is currently being investigated. Simply go back to http://servername/sitex to access your new site.

Finally, you must go to the Site Preferences administration panel and set the FQDN from which your site will be accessed, e.g. By default, SiteX enters your unqualified servername as the URL, e.g. http://server/sitex, making external resolution by visitors impossible.

Once SiteX is fully configured, run the following command from the SME Server shell to delete the setup files:

signal-event sitex-post-upgrade


Upgrading SiteX requires a little work.

Important.png Note:
Always consult the SiteX release notes for important information regarding upgrades. Before you begin, be sure to back up any customisations you have made, particularly themes. It might also be a good idea to back up the /opt/sitex/content directory, just in case something goes wrong.

1. First, put your site into Maintenance Mode.

2. Issue the following command from the SME Server console:

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs update smeserver-sitex sitex
signal-event post-upgrade ; signal-event reboot

3. After the server has rebooted, open your browser to http://servername/sitex to run the upgrade.

4. Once the upgrade is finished, delete the setup files by running the following command from the shell:

signal-event sitex-post-upgrade

5. Finally, log back in to your site from http://servername/sitex/login.php and disable Maintenance Mode.


  • You can fine tune access to SiteX by using the e-smith database.

To allow global access from anywhere on the Internet without requiring user login credentials, see below & refer example at,50054.msg251132.html#msg251132

config setprop sitex PublicAccess global
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sv h /service/httpd-e-smith

To redirect access using another URL, see,50054.msg251128.html#msg251128

which refers to suggestions at,35553.15.html


To access SiteX, simply open http://servername/sitex in your browser.

To access the administration interface, go to http://servername/sitex/login.php and enter the account details you created during the installation process.


To remove the package issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

rpm -e sitex smeserver-sitex
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

To remove the MySQL database and user (both of which are simply "sitex"), see MySQL#Remove a database and MySQL#Remove a user.


Please raise bugs and feature requests regarding the integration component under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla .

SiteX bugs and feature requests that are not specific to SME Server should be logged in the SiteX Bug Tracker.