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initial work of Bunkobugsy


The latest version of smeserver-samba-dc is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


This package provides templates for samba Active Directory support. More details found here.

It will replace upstream samba packages with AD enabled ones from SIG/FastTrack repo. More details found here.

A secondary samba service will use separate samba data directories, set up via a distinct samba configuration.

This ensures that samba-dc instance won't interfere with normal filesharing samba services provided by SME core.

User accounts created in SME will be kept in sync with the LDAP service provided by samba Active Directory. More details here.

Users logged in to domain joined Windows PCs will have access to SME's samba shares via their namesake usernames and matching passwords.

In an Active Directory Kerberos requires an accurate time synchronization so make sure to set up NTP for all client computers.


dnf --enablerepo=smetest update smeserver-base

Before continuing make sure you have at least smeserver-base-11.0.0-15.el8.sme (UPDATE!!).

/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set fasttrack-updates repository \
Name 'Rocky Linux 8.10 - SIG FastTrack Updates' \
BaseURL '$sigcontentdir/$releasever/fasttrack/$basearch/fasttrack-updates/' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
Visible yes \
Priority 9 \
status enabled
signal-event dnf-modify
dnf --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-samba-dc


you can list the available configuration with the following command :

config show samba

Some of the properties are not shown, but are defaulted in a template or a script. Here is a list with default and expected values :

property default values
SambaIP undefined numeric
Password undefined string
status disabled enabled,disabled

Add samba virtual interface

Samba in AD mode provides services that need a separate virtual interface.

A free static IP address needs to be chosen from the same range as SME's local network that is outside the DHCP pool.

/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop samba SambaIP a.b.c.d
signal-event console-save

Confirm that the samba virtual interface is working


It can be disabled anytime ONLY if domain is not operational.

/sbin/e-smith/db configuration delprop samba SambaIP
signal-event console-save

WARNING: changing this IP address after the domain is provisioned can cause problems and is not supported.

Set domain administrator password

Provisioning will fail unless a password is chosen that matches the complexity requirements. More details found here.

Random Strong Password Generator can be used.

WARNING: make sure to keep a copy of this password and do not modify this key after the domain is provisioned.

/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop samba Password Blu3Onyx!

Provisioning will also reserve the administrator user in SME for domain administrator, make sure it is not already used.


By default provisioning will use for realm current Windows workgroup name (default: sme-server) and append .INTERNAL to it.

Active Directory DC locating algorithm relies on DNS resolution, samba internal DNS back end will handle this via SME's domain-remote feature.

Make sure realm does not match any secondary domain set up or it will be overwritten.

WARNING: make sure to change Windows workgroup name before provisioning because domain rename is not supported.

WARNING: domain rename is only possible for now with complete domain reset and loss of all machine accounts.



After a successful provisioning you can confirm the domain functionality

systemctl status samba
samba-tool domain info a.b.c.d                  #SambaIP set above
realm -v discover SME-SERVER.INTERNAL           #in this example
kinit -V administrator
sambatool user list
sambatool computer list
smbstatus --configfile=/etc/samba/samba.conf
samba-tool processes --configfile=/etc/samba/samba.conf

If all went well you can proceed to joining Windows PCs to the domain using domain administrator and password.

Before first login all users and admin must change their passwords from https://SME-IP/user-password portal.

WARNING: disabling samba service is not supported as user accounts and passwords will get out of sync.

Restoring missing user accounts can be done, additional passwords might also need to be reset.


Password policies

For now password changing via Ctrl-Alt-Delete is not be supported and will be disabled via password policies.

Password changing will only be possible from https://SME-IP/user-password or Server Manager - Collaboration - Users.

To prevent passwords from getting out of sync Password contrib will be installed and password aging will be activated.

Backup and database check

samba-tool domain backup offline --targetdir=/root --configfile=/etc/samba/samba.conf
samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --configfile=/etc/samba/samba.conf
samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --fix --yes --configfile=/etc/samba/samba.conf


/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories delete fasttrack-updates
signal-event dnf-modify
dnf remove smeserver-samba-dc
/sbin/e-smith/db domains delete sme-server.internal         #in this example
signal-event domain-modify


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla

and select the smeserver-samba-dc component or use this link

Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:

No open bugs found.


Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.