From SME Server
Jump to navigationJump to searchinstall matomo in an ibay
- create ibay
- make a domain pointing to this ibay
- install smeserver-php-scl
- set php as php72
- download matomo in ibay and extract
- run
curl -sS | php72 -d allow_url_fopen=On php72 -d allow_url_fopen=On composer.phar install chown -R www:www /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html mkdir /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/{assets,cache,logs,tcpdf,templates_c} chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/assets/ chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/cache/ chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/logs/ chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/tcpdf/ chmod -R 0755 /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp/templates_c/ chown www:www /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/tmp -R chown :www /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/config chown :www /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/piwik.js chown :www /home/e-smith/files/ibays/matomo/html/piwik.php
- create a db and user associated with its password using smeserver-phpmyadmin
- connect to your installation and follow the instruction. use mysqli connector and localhost (not
- ideally use smeserver-letsencrypt to make it https
et voila