Lilypond – Music notation for everyone
LilyPond is an automated engraving system. It formats music beautifully and automatically, and has a friendly syntax for its input files.
Refer to the Lilypond FAQ or Lilypond userguide for further information
Download the latest installer from
And run the installer
Shell Access
As the preferred method to enter a score is a text editor, any editor can edit the files stored on the server.
If you have trustworthy users give them shell access. They can then run lilypond to produce a .pdf file for printing and optionally a .midi file
cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/scores/mozart/ lilypond
Shell access lets users use all the features of Lilypond, such as importing a .midi file
midi2ly K123.midi
MediaWiki Extension
Insert fragments of music or whole scores into your wiki pages.
After installing the Mediawiki Lilypond extension you can work on your score anywhere you have browser access.
- Install MediaWiki
Thank you Dietmar for the prepared rpm
- Install the Lilypond Extension
cd /opt/mediawiki/ cp /path2file/LilyPond.php extensions/Lilypond.php
Add the extension to the Local settings config file
nano -w LocalSettings.php require_once("extensions/LilyPond.php");
- <lilypond>
You place special tags in your wiki article, in a nutshell,
<lilypond> c, d e f g a b c b a g f e d c </lilypond>
Produces: An Image
- <lilymidi>
Produces: An image plus makes it a clickable link to a .midi file
<lilymidi> c, d e f </lilymidi>
- <lilybook>
<lilybook> \version "2.10.29" \header { title = "Mary Had a Little Lamb" tagline = "" } \paper { ragged-right = ##t ragged-bottom = ##t indent = 0\mm } melody = \relative c' { e d c d | e e e e | d d e d | c1 | } text = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1." Ma- ry had a lit- tle lamb, its fleece was white as snow. } \book{ \score{ << \new Voice = "one" { \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text >> \layout { } \midi { } } \markup{ \wordwrap-string #" Verse 2. Mary took it home again, It was against the rule." } } </lilybook>
Produces: An Image, linked to a midi if \midi { } is included
Further Information
The Lilypond syntax cheat sheet may be less daunting for wiki users then the full manual.
See the Lilypond Snippet Registry for more advanced syntax examples