User talk:Calisun

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Following Step-by-Step instructions are for installing wordpress in an i-Bay of SME 8.x

  Notice: When installing ANY web application in an iBay of the SME server, there is always a danger of
  users changing (intentionally or accidentally) files in the application iBay. 
  If there is a possible security issue with users, it is recommended to install wordpress 
  contribution from here:
  If there is no user security issue, or the server only has admin access, you may continue.

For Wordpress Multisite Howto see

== PART TWO: ==

A) Custom Templates

A1) Enable Wildcard Subdomains

Inside following folder location:


Create a text file named:


Contents of the text file:

   ServerAlias *.{$virtualHost}

To activate the custom template:

   signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

A2) Fix Image display problem.

Inside following folder location:


Create a text file named:


Contents of the text file:

       use esmith::AccountsDB;
       my $accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro;
       use esmith::DomainsDB;
       my $domains = esmith::DomainsDB->open_ro;
       $OUT = "";
       my $ibay = $virtualHostContent;
       my $basedir = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$ibay";
       my $cgiBin = $accounts->get_prop($ibay, "CgiBin") || "";
       $OUT .= "    DocumentRoot         $basedir/html\n";
       if ($cgiBin)
   	$OUT .= "    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin $basedir/cgi-bin\n";
   	$OUT .=
   		"    # To add cgi-bin ScriptAlias for this i-bay, run:\n"
   	      . "    #   /sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop $ibay CgiBin "
   			    . "enabled\n"
   	      . "    #   /sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save\n";
       $OUT .= "#    Alias       /files   $basedir/files\n";
       if (($domains->get_prop($virtualHost, 'SystemPrimaryDomain') || 'no')
            eq 'yes')
   	my @ibays = $accounts->ibays;
   	foreach my $ibay (@ibays)
   	    my $key = $ibay->key;
   	    next if $key eq $virtualHostContent;
   	    my $basedir = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/$key";
   	    my $cgiBin = $ibay->prop("CgiBin") || "";
   	    my $name = $ibay->prop("Name") || "";
   	    $OUT .= "\n";
   	    $OUT .= "    # $key ibay ($name)\n";
   	    $OUT .= "\n";
   	    if ($cgiBin)
   		$OUT .= "    ScriptAlias /$key/cgi-bin $basedir/cgi-bin\n";
   		$OUT .= 
   		    "    # To add cgi-bin ScriptAlias for this i-bay, run:\n"
   		    . "    #   /sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop $key CgiBin "
   				. "enabled\n"
   		    . "    #   /sbin/e-smith/signal-event console-save\n";
   	    $OUT .= "    Alias       /$key/files   $basedir/files\n";
   	    # Make sure this one is last since it's a prefix of the above
   	    # aliases. If we put it first, it would get expanded before the
   	    # other aliases, creating problems.
   	    $OUT .= "    Alias       /$key        $basedir/html\n";
   	$OUT .= "    # No ibays in system\n" unless @ibays;

To activate the custom template:

   signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

Good Luck

And have fun with your new Wordpress install.