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Just me. ReetP aka John Crisp


After adding repo data to the database update the configuration file:

signal-event yum-modify

ReetP repo

db yum_repositories set reetp repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
Name "ReetP Repo" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes \
status disabled

ReetP testing repo - here be Dragons. Not for production use.

db yum_repositories set reetpTest repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
Name "ReetP Repo" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes \
status disabled

Libreswan repo v9

db yum_repositories set libreswan repository \
BaseURL \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Name LibreSwan \
Visible yes \
status=disabled \


db yum_repositories set libreswan repository \
BaseURL \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Name LibreSwan \
Visible yes \
status=disabled \

MC repo v9

db yum_repositories set mc repository \
BaseURL \
Name mc \
Visible yes \
status enabled \


db yum_repositories set mc repository \
BaseURL \
Name mc \
Visible yes \
status enabled \

NodeJS repo (latest is 10)

db yum_repositories set nodejs8 \
repository Name 'Node JS 8' \
BaseURL \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
Visible yes \
status disabled

Building RPMs

My src RPM import notes

Importing a srpm/contrib.

Big note. If you are importing a server package then you need the common dir from an existing server package and not a contrib - they are different

It helps to have a dir with some common CVS files in.

On your local build server (could be on your koozali shell)

mkdir -p ~/smecontribs/rpms/NewPackage/contribs10
cd ~/smecontribs/rpms

Only required to add to CVS if it is totally new:

cvs add NewPackage 
cd NewPackage


cvs add contribs10
cd contribs10

We need to get a common directory & Makefile there - note this is for a contrib, not server package

cp -R ~/rpms/{another package}/contribs10/common ~/rpms/NewPackage/contribs10
cp -R ~/rpms/{another package}/contribs10/Makefile ~/rpms/NewPackage/contribs10

Alternatively I already have a directory with these files in that I can re-use

cp -r ~/CVS_files/* ~/smecontribs/rpms/NewPackage/contribs10/

Update the name in the Makefile:

perl -p -i -e 's/{another package}/NewPackage/g' Makefile
./common/ -b contribs10 -m 'Initial import' NewPackage.src.rpm
make new-sources FILES="v-x.x.x.tar.gz"
cvs commit -m "Add updated sources file NewPackage"

Now, at this juncture it refused to mockbuild properly.

In the end I removed ALL the files in the NewPackage contribs10 dir and then did:

rm -rf *
cvs update -dPA

Then I did:

make clean;make prep; make mockbuild and it built

I then just did

make build


To get the name of the distribution in the filename you need something like this in the spec file.

Note the Release version format

%define name phpki %define version 0.82 %define release 23 Summary: Phpki is a simple certificate management suite Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release}%{?dist} License: GNU GPL version 2 URL: Group: SMEserver/addon

  1. wget

Source: phpki-0.82.tar.gz in the