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SME Server Supports English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish.

Other Languages are in progress Bug tracker - translations

Adding new Languages

There is one file per server-manager panel, plus a few others.

To translate to another language

  • Raise a bug in the bug tracker to let us know you're starting or add to a work in progress
  • Refer to these forum posts

Maintaining Existing Languages

Ongoing updates to SME Server occasionally modify panel text and this requires updating of the translations.

These changes are tracked in the Bug Tracker, please add updated translations at each bug if you can.

Translating a panel

To create a translation for a given language of an existing panel in the server-manager.

Locate needed files

Translating a panel is really easy, here are paths to files:

/etc/e-smith/locale/de/etc/e-smith/web/functions    => German  translations path
/etc/e-smith/locale/en-us/etc/e-smith/web/functions => English translations path (original)
/etc/e-smith/locale/es/etc/e-smith/web/functions    => Spanish translations path
/etc/e-smith/locale/fr/etc/e-smith/web/functions    => French  translations path
/etc/e-smith/locale/it/etc/e-smith/web/functions    => Italian translations path
/etc/e-smith/locale/sv/etc/e-smith/web/functions    => Swedish translations path

Usually, panels have a user-friendly name. Check if a translation hasn't been started, else if the panel translation doesn't exist in your language path, simply copy the file from the English path and start to translate this new file! You will have to translate the content of text between <trans> and </trans>

Translating server console, based on the english version found in the smeserver-locale rpm in the /usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/ directory

Note. The files in this directory on the server are incomplete, the original English texts are scattered across many files, and are only collected in the rpm to help with translation.

Apply changes

For changes to take effects, you will have to issue the following command:


Now open your web browser at https://yourserver/server-manager and see your own modifications!

Share your work

See Package_Modification to learn how to help modifying existing contribs. Then create a bug report and attach the patched file.

Duplicate menus

You may see some duplicate menus in the server-manager. This is a Formmagick related known problem.

It has been Fixed in Bugzilla:3346

Contrib Translations

Track which contribs have tranlations

Translating with Pootle

We have testing a new online translation tool named Pootle. Currently is at

In the future maybe we will have (the comunity) an online Pootle at for tranlating base SME (panels and console), and contribs too. We will can add a new language to the base and contribs. Meanwhile we using the above URL.

Pootle for translators

Register and login at Pootle and you can begin with the translations. You can translate any file you want. Also contribs.

Untranslated words

click "Show Editing Functions" and finally at "Quick Translate" for each file or whole language.

Also you can see the suggestions clicking at "Review Suggestions".


click "show checks" to see a list of syntax errors

acronyms  6 strings (2%) failed
brackets 17 strings (6%) failed
doublequoting 4 strings (1%) failed
doublespacing 1 string (0%) failed
endpunc 11 strings (3%) failed
endwhitespace 4 strings (1%) failed
numbers 2 strings (0%) failed
puncspacing 2 strings (0%) failed
sentencecount 2 strings (0%) failed
simplecaps 16 strings (5%) failed
startcaps 6 strings (2%) failed
unchanged 7 strings (2%) failed
untranslated 53 strings (19%) failed

click on one of the links offered and fix them

See and

Pootle for developers

You can add your own locale contribs at Pootle. The community will can translate your contrib into various languages.

Before this, you must convert your FormMagick panel (FM for short) to POT file, because Pootle can only handle POT and PO files. POT = PO Template.

Stephen Noble will publish soon as possible the necesary scripts files to convert between formats.

When you have your POT file of your contrib, you can upload at Pootle, but not directly. You must upload at SVN repository. Pootle server (almost in the currently test server) make a checkout every 30 minutes, to check if there are a new or modified POT files. This checkout add or modify the Pootle templates.

Pootle parse each POT template over current languages (as SME when expand-templates). Every time you want to add a new language to your contrib, you must only click at pootle "add language", and Pootle parse (like a copy-merge) the templates over the new language. If this is a new language, Pootle copy the template files to the new language. I there is existing language, and you have make a modifications to the template, Pootle merge the templates over the esxisting language files, resulting in adding new untranslated strings, and adding fuzzy strings to similar translations, like describe below in "Merging new strings"

Once you (or the community) translated your file, you can download the PO file from Pootle and back convert from PO to XML FM file. You can download your translated PO file from Pootle or from SVN making a checkout to your local copy.

The above information is available in a few days, because SVN is not yet correctly configured the permissions.


  • Make your original FM file XML strict. Always close the opened tags (<i>...</i>). Use the same caps for tags (<b> is not equal to <B>). In the future I will try to regularize base FM files. See the Bugzilla:3877
  • Every time you have modify, added or remove strings from template files (and after you have commit to SVN repo and wait more than 30 minutes for sync with Pootle), you must click at "Update from templates" for each language, or select the checkboxes for all languages and click in the button "Update from languages".