
From SME Server
Revision as of 07:17, 27 December 2008 by Kruhm (talk | contribs)
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This HOWTO really saved me. The only notes I have to add is concerning the mysql db's.

The mysql db's are kept in: /var/lib/mysql

Stop the mysql service:

 service mysqld stop

Change directories to the old mysql:

cd /mnt/old/var/lib/

Copy the mysql db's to the new install:

cp -R ./mysql /var/lib/

Change directories to the new mysql:

 cd /var/lib/

Change the ownership on the new install mysql directory:

 chown -R mysql:mysql ./mysql

Restart the mysqld service:

 service mysqld start

Looks like you are trying to recover your mysql database in the situation that you were not able to run pre-backup. Perhaps you would like to add a section within this wiki identifying the situation in which this is relevant. It obviously should not be the general case for this procedure; only if you are in a recovery situation where pre-backup is not option. --Christian 15:01, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

That was exactly the case. I had a sudden power outage that caused a corrupt filesystem and unbootable server. In the past I could fsck the system and it would boot within reasonable amount of time. While I tried to fsck the partition, it ran for more than 20 hours. It seemed faster to rebuild than to wait. While I could recover and transfer the data with this procedure, there is was no way identifying how to transfer the mysql db's. Since the db's constantly change in a 24 hour period, a periodic backup wouldn't really help. This solved that issue. In general, I'm still uncertain the best way to backup and recover. --kruhm