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Thanks Normando, I have my pootle server running, but I'm don't see how to import the language files, have you imported them ?

A lot would come from sourceforge cvs > smeserver > smeserver-locale, but not all

maybe we could trial pootle on contrib translations, say sourceforge cvs > smecontribs > smeserver-vacation

Getting pootle to intergrate to the way SME currently updates files may be difficult I suggest see what the shad and charlie think in your bug 3782

Snoble 05:08, 21 January 2008 (MST)

Hello Snoble

First, I have added a test project, and assign to me and add a few languages. Then, because I am the admin of the project, I can add files to the project to translate.

The only files handle for pottle are PO or POT files. BUT it has a few of converters to make convertions between to file.po and revert file.po to One of them converters is txt2po and po2txt ( .

Pootle handle directly po files under /usr/share/locale to translate.

I think to make a parser or analizer to convert formmagick panels to txt files, and then to .po, handled with pootle.

See about all converters. I think it is possible to make translations for formmagick panels within pootle.

I have setup a demo pootle. Access at:

user: smeserver with same password. You can test, delete, modify, etc.

Thank for the comment snoble

--Normando Hall 11:46, 21 January 2008 (MST)

I need your help

I want to colaborate with SME comunity with a translation system. With Pootle you can upload directly the PO files, those reside at /usr/share/locale. BUT formmagick panel can't, because these files are XML.

The idea is to convert from XML to PO before import in Pootle. To acomplish this, I tried some solutions.

The first is the converters come with Pootle without success (HTML2PO - TXT2PO).

The second is PO4A ( ), again, without success.

You can install enabling ATRPMS repo and install po4a.

To test, at your panels dir /etc/e-smith/locale/en-us/etc/e-smith/web/functions choose one file to translate (ex. backup), and run

po4a-gettextize -f xml -o tagsonly="<trans>" -m backup -p backup.po

Then you can upload the file backup.po in Pootle and translate. Then run the following command to return the PO file to normal XML again.

po4a-translate -k 0 -f xml -o tagsonly="<trans>" -m backup -p backup.po -l new_backup

The last is XML2PO ( )

I have packaged for a better installation. You can download from

Before try, you must edit a few files. The first is /usr/bin/xml2po

Change at line 115 from "charset=UTF-8" to "charset=iso-8859-1"

Then change /usr/share/xml2po/

Line 27 from "return []" to "return ['base']"

Line 31 from "return []" to "return ['trans']"

Line 35 from "return []" to "return ['trans']"

Now you can test xml2po.

To test, at your panels dir /etc/e-smith/locale/en-us/etc/e-smith/web/functions choose one file to translate (ex. backup), and run

xml2po -m empty -e -o backup.po backup

View the new bakup.po file in the new PO format. Excelent. Now you can translate PO with pootle, and return again to formmagick panel with this command:

xml2po -p backup.po backup > new_backup

As you can see, if you not translate backup.po, new_backup file is equal to original backup file, BUT with one diference. new_backup file has added at the header:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Remove this line.