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1,292 bytes added ,  05:39, 7 February 2008
installing osticket to ibay instructions, question about piping success
I've installed OSTicket 1.6rc3 in an ibay, rather than follow this howto's instructions on installing in /opt. My steps are below. It works fine, except I can't get email piping to work. Has anyone else managed to get piping to work? Does it matter if it is in an ibay or not?

What is the preferred path for php web apps? /opt with custom html templates, or in ibays?

# 2008-02-04 jlewis
# installing osticket
# create ibay "support"; creates group called "support"
# follow instructions based on
tar zxvf osticket_1.6.rc3.tar.gz
cp -R osticket_1.6.rc3/* /home/e-smith/files/ibays/support/html/.
cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/support/html/upload
mv * ../.
cd ..
signal-event ibay-modify support
chmod 775 ostconfig.php
mysql -e "create database osticket"
mysql -e "grant all privileges on osticket.* to osticket@localhost identified by 'osticket1'"
mysql -e "flush privileges"
rm index.html
mkdir attachments
chown www attachments
# attempt to get email to support to work with osticket
pico /var/qmail/aliases/.qmail-support
# |/home/e-smith/files/ibays/support/html/api/pipe.php
# need to do
# customize webpages
# get email pipe functionality to work
# fall back on pop3 email testing


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