Rocket Chat:Contrib

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Contrib: John Crisp

Important.png Note:
Please note that there is also a howto on manually installing Rocket.Chat here

smeserver-rocketchat contrib

  Work in Progress:
This page is a Work in Progress. The contents off this page may be in flux, please have a look at this page history the to see list of changes.

This contrib aims to reduce some of the setup for rocketchat and add some flexibility with settings

Add repos:

RocketChat 0.40+

From Rocketchat 0.40 onwards you require a higher version of node than the one in the SCL repos.

Rocket.Chat v 48.1 requires: node: v4.6.2 npm: v3.10.9

Rocket.Chat v 49.0 requires: node: v4.7.2

This can be installed from the node repo


Add the following repos:

/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
Name 'Epel - EL6' \
BaseURL '$basearch' \
MirrorList '$basearch' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Exclude perl-Razor-Agent \
Visible no \
status disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set reetp repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck no \
Name "ReetP Repo" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes status disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set centos-sclo-rh \
repository Name 'Centos-RH Software collections' \
BaseURL '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/' \
EnableGroups no Visible yes status disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set nodejs \
repository Name 'Node JS 4' \
BaseURL \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck no Visible yes status disabled
signal-event yum-modify
yum --enablerepo=nodejs install nodejs nodejs-devel

Setup node versions:

Install latest version:

npm install -g npm

Install specific version:

npm install -g npm@3.10.9

Install n version manager:

npm install -g n

Install node version n 4.7.2

[root@test ~]# node -v
[root@test ~]# npm --version
yum --enablerepo=centos-sclo-rh,epel install scl-utils rh-python34-python rh-mongodb26-mongodb rh-mongodb26-mongodb-server \

You should be able to install the smeserver-rocketchat RPM now

yum --enablerepo=reetp install smeserver-rocketchat

Don't post-upgrade yet.

config set rocketchat service TCPPort 3000 mailPort 25 mailURL localhost access public status enabled
config set rh-mongodb26-mongod service TCPPort 27017 mongoURL localhost access private status enabled
signal-event post-upgrade;signal-event reboot

Now we should be able to install rocketchat itself

yum --enablerepo=reetp install rocketchat

Check the progress:

tailf /var/log/rocketchat.log
System ➔ startup
|                  SERVER RUNNING                    |
|                                                    |
|       Version: 0.xx.x                              |
|  Process Port: 3000                                |
|      Site URL:    |
|         OpLog: Disabled                            |
|                                                    |

You should now be able to connect to your Rocket.Chat instance

Registering a new account

Because the SME mail server is fussy you may find it easier to force some settings in the Rocket.Chat DB before trying to register:

You can set your SMTP host as localhost or

use rocketchat
db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"}, {$set: {"value":""}})
db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "From_Email"}, {$set: {"value":""}})

Restart Rocket.Chat to be sure:

service rocketchat restart

You should now be able to register a new account and get a confirmation email. Check /var/log/qpsmtpd/current for any errors.

If you have not set the From address you are likely to get:

Mail with no From header not accepted here


If you have issues make sure you stop the rocket chat service

service rocketchat stop

Check /var/log/rocketchat.log

Try running main.js

node main.js

SSL with Proxypass

This is still experimental and there may be issues with SSL only for the Primary iBay and Letsencrypt. You will need a minimum version of smeserver-rocketchat-0.1-5

It is recommended to add Letsencrypt support as detailed below (see here for my contrib

We need some extra settings to enable SSL with ProxyPass.

Add the FWS repo:

db yum_repositories set fws repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck yes \
Name "Firewall Services" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes status disabled

Update the repos:

signal-event yum-modify

Install proxy pass rpm:

yum --enablerepo=fws install mod_proxy_wstunnel

Regenerate httpd.conf

signal-event remoteaccess-update

Now we need to setup our subdomain

db domains set chat.mycompany.local domain Description RocketChat Nameservers internet \
TemplatePath ProxyPassVirtualRocketchat ProxyPassTarget http://localhost:3000/

It should look like this:

  Nameservers=internet (can be localhost)
  letsencryptSSLcert=enabled (with letsencrypt support)

We need to set Rocket.Chat to listen on localhost now:

config setprop rocketchat rootURL chat.mycompany.domain SSLProxy yes
signal-event remoteaccess-update
service rocketchat restart

If you can now successfully get to Rocketchat on your subdomain https://chat.mycompany.local you can disable default access on port 3000:

config setprop rocketchat access private
signal-event remoteaccess-update

You may find you need to clear your browser cache before it works correctly on https://chat.mycompany.local rather than http://chat.mycompany.local:3000

IF you have Letsencrypt support you can now set your main domain to SSL only:

db accounts setprop Primary SSL enabled
signal-event ibay-modify Primary


Look for bugs :-) As the contrib is not in CVS please report them in the forum and I will try and keep an eye out.

Manual config of templates

expand-template /etc/rc.d/init.d/rocketchat
expand-template /etc/profile.d/
expand-template /etc/profile.d/
expand-template /etc/profile.d/
expand-template /etc/opt/rh/rh-mongodb26/mongod.conf
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rocketchat start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/rh-mongodb26-mongos start

Mongod fails to start after reboot

Sometimes it appears that mongo fails to start after a reboot.

I believe that this may be caused due to rocketchat being run by the forever service which means that rocketchat tries to keep running as the server shuts down despite mongod being stopped. This leaves lock files and prevents mongod from restarting properly. I think I probably need to look at the shutdown/start order of scripts.

A simple cure is as follows:

Remove the following files if they exist:

rm /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb26/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
rm /var/opt/rh/rh-mongodb26/run/mongodb/

Restart the mongod service:

service rh-mongodb26-mongod start

Restart the rocketchat service:

service rocketchat restart

I haven't tested yet but the answer may be simpler:

service rocketchat stop
service rh-mongodb26-mongod start
service rocketchat stop

When I get a chance I will test this and advise accordingly.

Mongo DB examples


Example using mongo itself:

use rocketchat
db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"})
db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "From_Email"})
db.rocketchat_settings.findOne({_id : "From_Email"}, {_id:0, value: 1})
db.rocketchat_settings.findOne({_id : "SMTP_Host"}, {_id:0, value: 1})

db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "From_Email"}, {$set: {"value":""}})
db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"}, {$set: {"value":""}})

Database Backup

You can dump the tables to a directory of your choice:

mongodump --dumpDbUsersAndRoles -d rocketchat -o /root/rocketchatmongo

Database Restore

You can restore you database as follows:

mongorestore --restoreDbUsersAndRoles -d rocketchat -dir  /root/rocketchatmongo/rocketchat --quiet

Node usage

Use n, an extremely simple Node version manager that can be installed via npm (See

Say you want Node.js v0.10.x to build Atom.

npm install -g n   # Install n globally
n 0.10.33          # Install and use v0.10.33 local only


n                            # Output versions installed
n latest                     # Install or activate the latest node release
n stable                     # Install or activate the latest stable node release
n <version>                  # Install node <version>
n use <version> [args ...]   # Execute node <version> with [args ...]
n bin <version>              # Output bin path for <version>
n rm <version ...>           # Remove the given version(s)
n --latest                   # Output the latest node version available
n --stable                   # Output the latest stable node version available
n ls                         # Output the versions of node available

NPM Usage

To update your version of npm run the following

npm install -g npm

Or for a specific version:

npm install -g npm@3.10.9

DB settings

Typical standard setup:


Typical proxy subdomain setup:
