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Deleted files in ibays or in users home directories on the server are lost forever.


This has been a long known issue for network admins. Files stored on another computer/server. Accidentaly hit the DELETE key. Poof! Gone. Files aren't in the local Recycle bin on the local computer. This is especially frustrating for admins who map profile parts back to the server. The users desktop, documents, etc never find their way into the local recycle bin as the users expect.

Enable Recycle Bin for ibays

db accounts setprop ibayname RecycleBin enabled
db accounts setprop ibayname KeepVersions enabled 
signal-event ibay-modify ibayname

Enable Recycle Bin for users

db configuration setprop smb RecycleBin enabled
db configuration setprop smb KeepVersions enabled

Expand the template...

/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/samba/smb.conf

Remember to restart service...

/etc/rc7.d/S91smb restart

After making changes with the commands shown, you need to logoff your workstation and log back in again so those new access permissions are included in your login session. Recycle Bin will then function as expected.

The Recycle Bin folder will be created automatically the first time a file is deleted, so you will not see the folder until you delete something.

An admin can then go and retrieve the files on the server.

Recycle Bin Locations

For ibays the Recycle Bin is located at:

/home/e-smith/files/ibays/ibayname/files/Recycle Bin

For users the Recycle Bin is located at:

/home/e-smith/files/users/username/home/Recycle Bin

Automatic Cleaning Of Recycle Bin Content

The simple script below can be used to clean out the various Recycle Bins on a regular basis. Note that this script is setup to use the last accessed file attribute to selectively deletes files after they have been in the Recycle Bin for 30 days.

Setup the script to run either daily or weekly from cron.


echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"
echo "|                           Samba recycle-bin cleaner                          |"
echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

URF=$(find /home/e-smith/files/users/*/home/Recycle\ Bin/* -type f -atime +30)
if [ "$URF" !=  "" ]
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "The following user recycle bin files were deleted:"
    for file in $URF
        printf "| - %-74s |\n" "$file"
        rm -f "$file"
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "There were no old user recycle bin files to delete."

echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

IRF=$(find /home/e-smith/files/ibays/*/files/Recycle\ Bin/* -type f -atime +30)
if [ "$IRF" !=  "" ]
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "The following ibays recycle bin files were deleted:"
    for file in $IRF
        printf "| - %-74s |\n" "$file"
        rm -f "$file"
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "There were no old ibays recycle bin files to delete."

echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

URD=$(find /home/e-smith/files/users/*/home/Recycle\ Bin/* -type d -empty)
if [ "$URD" != "" ]
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "The following users recycle bin directories were deleted:"
    for folder in $URD
        printf "| - %-74s |\n" "$folder"
        rm -rf "$folder"
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "There were no old user recycle bin directories to delete."

echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

IRD=$(find /home/e-smith/files/ibays/*/files/Recycle\ Bin/* -type d -empty)
if [ "$IRD" != "" ]
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "The following ibays recycle bin directories were deleted:"
    for folder in $IRD
        printf "| - %-74s |\n" "$folder"
        rm -rf "$folder"
    printf "| %-76s |\n" "There were no old ibays recycle bin directories to delete."

echo "+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+"

Changing the Recycle Bin name

You can change the name of the recycle bin by making a copy of the template fragment into the templates-custom tree and making your modifications there.

  1. Create the proper folder structure: mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/smb.conf/ibays
  2. Copy the template fragment to the template-custom tree cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/smb.conf/ibays/10recyclebin /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/smb.conf/ibays
  3. Use any editor to make your changes in the copied file nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/smb.conf/ibays/10recyclebin Modifying this line: $vfs->{recycle}->{repository} = "Recycle Bin"; to whatever you like for a name: $vfs->{recycle}->{repository} = "Add your name here";
  4. Now let the server take the necessary actions to have the changes reflected for all ibays (replace <ibayname> with the ibayname): signal-event ibay-modify <ibayname>

You can make the recycle bin hidden by adding a dot as a first character of the recycle bin name