Mozilla sync server

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here the procedure to compile and install on a SME9 / CentOS 6 system

Sync server

according to


yum install smeserver-extrarepositories-centos-sclo --enablerepo=smedev,smecontribs
signal-event yum-modify
yum install make git-core  gcc gcc-c++  phyton27-build scl-utils scl-utils-build python27-python-devel  python27-python-virtualenv python27-build    --enablerepo=centos-sclo*

without building locally those might be required

yum install python27-python-sqlalchemy  scl-utils scl-utils-build  python27-python-virtualenv python27-build   --enablerepo=centos-sclo*

download and build

git clone
cd syncserver 
scl enable python27 bash
make build

then test it :

make test

configure and run

make serve

This should start a server on http://localhost:5000/. try elinks http://localhost:5000/ and should display "it works! "

Now go into Firefox's about:config page, search for a setting named "tokenServerURI", and change it to point to your server:

identity.sync.tokenserver.uri: http://localhost:5000/token/1.0/sync/1.5

There is one setting that you must specify before running the server: the client-visible URL for the service. Open ”./syncserver.ini” and locate the following lines:

public_url = http://localhost:5000/

The default value of “public_url” will work for testing purposes on your local machine. For final deployment, change it to the external, publicly-visible URL of your server.

By default the server will use an in-memory database for storage, meaning that any sync data will be lost on server restart. You will almost certainly want to configure a more permanent database, which can be done with the “sqluri” setting:

sqluri = sqlite:////path/to/database/file.db

This setting will accept any SQLAlchemy database URI; for example the following would connect to a mysql server:

sqluri = pymysql://

better db support


starting service


Running behind a Web Server


auth server and its interface

according to

this is if you want to handle yourself also the auth service, but you can let it to Mozilla and still use your local syncserver.

references and sources