
From SME Server
Revision as of 23:56, 7 August 2007 by Gregswallow (talk | contribs)
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To view the status of contribs.org mirrors, see this page:


To access the contribs.org download mirrors, always use the URL:

http://mirror.contribs.org You will automatically be redirected to a mirror that is current within the last 8 hours.

Want to be a mirror site?

If you or your company has some spare bandwidth and would like to be included in mirror.contribs.org, you can use rsync to do something like this:

rsync -aHhimOSz --partial --timeout 300 --delay-updates --delete-after --delete --max-deletes 1000 ibiblio.org::Linux/distributions/smeserver/ /home/smeserver/

If you don't have the latest rsync then some of the options may cause issues (m,h) you are fine to remove any that aren't supported in your version of rsync.

After your mirror is sync'd, let us know by filing a bug report on bugs.contribs.org under the website category. Thanks!