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5,989 bytes added ,  15:05, 12 April 2014
use split() instead of substr() (old script always reported max=9). Add example showing how to scan "x" days of log files.
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The SME server manager provides access to most of the log files maintained by the system.
The SME server manager provides access to almost all of the log files maintained by the system (a very few files are excluded that contain no useful information)
This document describes the email-related log files and what they tell you.
This document describes the email-related log files and what they tell you.
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On a busy server handling up to 40 simultaneous in-bound email connections, this can result in highly interleaved and hard-to-read log files.
On a busy server handling up to 40 simultaneous in-bound email connections, this can result in highly interleaved and hard-to-read log files.
=== logterse ===
==== view only ''logterse'' entries ====
SME 7.2 and later include the 'logterse' plugin to qpsmtpd.  ''logterse'' creates a one-line summary of each qpsmtpd transaction and writes it to the log file.   
SME 7.2 and later include the 'logterse' plugin to qpsmtpd.  ''logterse'' creates a one-line summary of each qpsmtpd transaction and writes it to the log file.   
   Line 24: Line 24:  
* Select ''View log files'' in server-manager
* Select ''View log files'' in server-manager
* Specify '''qpsmtpd/current''' (or another qpsmtpd log file) under ''Choose a log file to view''
* Specify '''qpsmtpd/current''' (or another qpsmtpd log file) under ''Choose a log file to view''
* Specify '''`''' (a single back-tick) under ''Filter Pattern (optional)''
* Specify '''`''' (a single back-tick) under ''"Filter Pattern (optional)"''
* Click ''Next''
* Click ''Next''
* Sample results are shown below
* Sample results are shown below
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2008-11-08 06:37:41.211401500 26409 logging::logterse plugin: ` <> dnsbl 903 msg denied before queued</nowiki>
2008-11-08 06:37:41.211401500 26409 logging::logterse plugin: ` <> dnsbl 903 msg denied before queued</nowiki>
==== Monitor simultaneous in-bound SMTP connections ====
The command below will show the maximum number of simultaneous in-bound SMTP connections to your server since the last time the qpsmtpd log was rotated.  Replace "/current" with "/*" to get the maximum connection count in all existing qpsmtpd log files.
(The single quotes on the first and last line make this a single command):
<nowiki>awk -v INSTANCES="/"$(config getprop smtpd Instances) 'BEGIN {max=0}
$0 ~ INSTANCES {split($5, count, "/"); count[1]>max?max=count[1]:max}
END {print max}' /var/log/qpsmtpd/current</nowiki>
Show the maximum connections in any log file closed in the last 3 days, and include the configured "qpsmtpd Instances" for your system:
<nowiki>awk -v INSTANCES="/"$(config getprop smtpd Instances) 'BEGIN {max=0}
$0 ~ INSTANCES {split($5, count, "/"); count[1]>max?max=count[1]:max}
END {print max INSTANCES}' $(find /var/log/qpsmtpd/ -name "@*" -ctime -3)</nowiki>
===Allow for individual configuration of qpsmtpd and sqpsmtpd log file retention ===
Some users find that they want to be able to research email problems further back in time than the window covered by the default qpsmtpd logfile retention settings (10 logfiles retained, 5,000,000 bytes each). See [[Bugzilla: 6293]] and [[Bugzilla: 2862]]
Beginning with smeserver-qpsmtpd-2.2.0-12.el5.sme (SME 8) you can increase the number of logfiles retained by qpsmtpd (to 20 in the examples below) using:
<nowiki>config setprop qpsmtpd KeepLogFiles 20
sv stop qpsmtpd
kill -HUP `cat /var/service/qpsmtpd/log/supervise/pid`
sv start qpsmtpd</nowiki>
The same method will work to change the logfile rentention for sqpsmtpd:
<nowiki>config setprop sqpsmtpd KeepLogFiles 20
sv stop sqpsmtpd
kill -HUP `cat /var/service/sqpsmtpd/log/supervise/pid`
sv start sqpsmtpd</nowiki>
{{Warning box|Using a KeepFiles setting of 1 is an extreme setting only to be used for a specific test system with a low volume of emails.}}
== qmail: Outgoing SMTP traffic ==
== qmail: Outgoing SMTP traffic ==
Line 46: Line 75:  
'''Important:''' Since incoming messages will not reach qmail if they have been denied by any of the ''qpsmtpd'' spam-fighting features, you cannot get any spam blocking information from the qmail logs.
'''Important:''' Since incoming messages will not reach qmail if they have been denied by any of the ''qpsmtpd'' spam-fighting features, you cannot get any spam blocking information from the qmail logs.
=== Mail log file analysis ===
''Mail log file analysis'' in the server-manager provides access to several reports regarding ''qmail''.   
''Mail log file analysis'' in the server-manager provides access to several reports regarding ''qmail''.   
All of the reports below except for ''Summarize status of mail queue'' examine all of the current qmail log files (''/var/log/qmail/@*'' and ''/var/log/qmail/current'').
All of the reports below except for ''Summarize status of mail queue'' examine all of the current qmail log files (''/var/log/qmail/@*'' and ''/var/log/qmail/current'').
=== Basic Statistics ===
==== Basic Statistics ====
  <nowiki>qtime is the time spent by a message in the queue.
  <nowiki>qtime is the time spent by a message in the queue.
   Line 80: Line 110:  
Average concurrency: 0.000607221</nowiki>
Average concurrency: 0.000607221</nowiki>
=== List outgoing messages and recipients ===
==== List outgoing messages and recipients ====
==== Reasons for deferral ====
<nowiki>Reasons for deferral
One line per reason for deferral. Information on each line:
* del is the number of deliveries that ended for this reason.
* xdelay is the total xdelay on those deliveries.</nowiki>
==== Reasons for failure ====
<nowiki>Reasons for failure
One line per reason for delivery failure. Information on each line:
* del is the number of deliveries that ended for this reason.
* xdelay is the total xdelay on those deliveries.
=== Reasons for deferral ===
del  xdelay  reason
=== Reasons for failure ===
==== Reasons for success ====
<nowiki>Reasons for success
=== Reasons for success ===
One line per reason for successful delivery. Information on each line:
* del is the number of deliveries that ended for this reason.
* xdelay is the total xdelay on those deliveries.
=== Recipient hosts ===
  del    xdelay  reason</nowiki>
=== Recipients in best order for mailing lists ===
==== Recipient hosts ====
<nowiki>Recipient hosts
=== Recipients statistics ===
One line per recipient host. Information on each line:
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully delivered to this host.
* mess is the number of messages sent to this host (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this host.
=== Sender statistics ===
  sbytes  mess  tries  xdelay  host</nowiki>
=== Sender uids ===
==== Recipients in best order for mailing lists ====
<nowiki>Recipients in the best order for mailing lists
=== Sendmail style log ===
One line per recipient, sorted by avg. Information on each line:
* avg is the _average_ xdelay for the recipient.
* tries is the number of deliveries that avg is based on.
=== Successful delivery delay distribution ===
  avg  tries  recipient</nowiki>
=== Summarize status of mail queue ===
==== Recipients statistics ====
One line per recipient. Information on each line:
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully delivered to this recipient.
* mess is the number of messages sent to this recipient (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this recipient.
  sbytes  mess  tries  xdelay  recipient</nowiki>
==== Sender statistics ====
One line per sender. Information on each line:
* mess is the number of messages sent by this sender.
* bytes is the number of bytes sent by this sender.
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully received from this sender.
* rbytes is the number of bytes from this sender, weighted by recipient.
* recips is the number of recipients (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this sender.
mess    bytes    sbytes    rbytes  recips  tries        xdelay  sender</nowiki>
==== Sender uids ====
<nowiki>Sender uids
One line per sender uid. Information on each line:
* mess is the number of messages sent by this uid.
* bytes is the number of bytes sent by this uid.
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully received from this uid.
* rbytes is the number of bytes from this uid, weighted by recipient.
* recips is the number of recipients (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this uid.
mess      bytes    sbytes    rbytes  recips  tries        xdelay  uid</nowiki>
==== Sendmail style log ====
Process and display the qmail log files in a format similar to sendmail's logs.
Each transaction generates two lines, one with the ''from'' information and one with the ''to'' information.
==== Successful delivery delay distribution ====
<nowiki>Distribution of ddelays for successful deliveries
Meaning of each line: The first pct% of successful deliveries
all happened within doneby seconds. The average ddelay was avg.
  doneby    avg  pct</nowiki>
==== Summarize status of mail queue ====
This report does not process the log files, but instead examines and reports on the actual contents of the qmail queues.
This report does not process the log files, but instead examines and reports on the actual contents of the qmail queues.
<nowiki>messages in queue: 0
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0</nowiki>
There should only be messages in the queues for a brief time while they are being processed, or longer if the destination mail server is down or if the destination email account has a temporary problem of some sort.
== Email Statistics ==
More information on obtaining email performance statistics for your SME Server can be found in [[Email_Statistics]].

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