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Revision as of 08:53, 28 April 2007 by Cactus (talk | contribs) (Added Bugs section)
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Fetchmail for SME Server


Schirrm's Studio (software)


  • Fetchmail retrieve mails from external mailboxes with many options.

Step-by-step silly HowTo for installation of Fetchmail on SMEserver.

It's intended for Linux-newbies.

Before install, check latest version here and replace filenames in step 2 & 3 if necessary.


1. Log in (with username root) to the SMEserver console.

2. Download Fetchmail from Schirrm's site:

wget http://www.schirrms.net/files/smeserver-fetchmail-1.3.5-01.noarch.rpm

3. Install Fetchmail:

yum localinstall smeserver-fetchmail-1.3.5-01.noarch.rpm

You will get a y/N-question, answer y if it looks fine.

4. Instructions at the end of previous installation advices the following commands:
"signal-event post-upgrade" and "signal-event reboot"
But you can ignore that and move on

5. In the server-manager, part 'Collaboration' you should find a 'Mails Retrieval' option.

This let you access on the main page of the Fetchmail configuration.

Check installed version

yum info installed smeserver-fetchmail


yum remove smeserver-fetchmail

Additional information

For more info check Schirrm's HowTo here.

If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).

Please note that this was written in april 2007, if the software change then this howto may be outdated.

Please do edit if you find errors or have improvements, but make sure that it works!

Good luck /Per


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-fetchmail component or use this link .

Tested software version

Host: SMEserver v7.1 with update 3 (7.1.3)
