Some years ago (2.5) I have published a how-to in the forum http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=27460.0 for install mharc mailist web publisher in sme6. Now I have found a little but good app to do the same: publish ezmlm archives on the web beautify.
The author is Alessandro Ranellucci and the aplication is ezmlm-www and can be found at http://ezmlm-www.sourceforge.net/
Of course you must have installed and configured ezmlm as described here: Ezmlm
Add the DAG repository as described here: Dag and then expand template
expand-template /etc/yum.conf
Install de perl dependancy:
yum --enablerepo=dag install perl-Mail-Box perl-User-Identity perl-TimeDate perl-Email-Simple perl-Plucene perl-KinoSearch
Download from my home (wait for sync the mirrors) the following two rpm:
wget http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/nhall/sme7/rpm/ezmlm-www/contribs/perl-Mail-Ezmlm-Archive-0.16-1.noarch.rpm wget http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/nhall/sme7/rpm/ezmlm-www/contribs/smeserver-ezmlm-www-1.4.5-01.noarch.rpm
and install
yum localinstall perl-Mail-Ezmlm-Archive-0.16-1.noarch.rpm smeserver-ezmlm-www-1.4.5-01.noarch.rpm
I have explain the basic steps to run ezmlm-www. You can read the README file under /opt/mailinglist to customize your list.
Open the file config.pm and replace the string PUT_YOUR_LISTNAME_HERE with the name of your ezmlm list.
And say as README file configure the following parameters:
==> name Full e-mail address of list ==> local_part Chars that comes before che '@' sign in list address. ==> host_part Chars that comes after che '@' sign in list address. ==> description Verbose description of list (for indexing purposes). ==> archive Mail::Ezmlm::Archive object, specify list path. ==> conceal_senders Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want domains to be replaced by '...' in e-mail addresses to prevent spammers to read them. ==> subscription_info Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want some info about subscribing and unsubscribing to be put on main list page. ==> default_sorting This may be 'thread', 'date' or 'subject'. ==> descending_by_default Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want threads to be listed in descending order by default. ==> show_html Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to display HTML messages. ==> highlight Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to highlight parts of messages. such as replies, signatures, URLs. ==> show_inline_images Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to display inline images instead of just a link. $lang must be 'br', 'en', 'es', 'de', 'no', 'pt' or 'it' depending on your chosen language.
Access at http://yourserver/mailinlist and see if run ok.
Open the file ez_indexer.pl under search directory and change the string PUT_YOUR_LISTNAME_HERE with the name of your ezmlm list, as above.
Now launch ez_indexer.pl from the command line to index your existing messages (it may take a while!) to use the search function:
/opt/mailinglist/search/ez_indexer.pl --create --verbose
And then add it to crontab. Create a file named ezw-search and add this content:
#!/bin/bash cd /opt/mailinglist/search ./ez_indexer.pl --update
Save and correct perms:
chmod 755 ezw-search chown root.root ezw-search
Then move under /etc/cron.hourly
Note that indexing is done incrementally, so it will be faster when just updating.
The End
This app can run with mod_perl, but I can't do it. Please, read the readme file, and if you can, please tell me howto, and then I update the package.
This is my first RPM package. If you have found a bug, please tell me about that.