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Ejabberd Jabber XMPP server for SME 7.x


Jean-Paul Leclère


Ejabberd is a (GNU GPL) robust full-featered Jabber XMPP server. It can support thousands of simultaneous users.

smeserver-ejabberd provides ejabberd services for SME, with dedicated configuration panel in the server-manager, and also specific embedded administration web pages via https.


You can download this package here. If you would like to save it directly on your SME Server, you should give this command at a linux-prompt

wget http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/jpl/smecontribs/smeserver-ejabberd/smeserver-ejabberd-1.1.4-1.el4.eos.i386.rpm


Installation needs following steps.

  • smeserver-ejabberd package installation :
yum localinstall smeserver-ejabberd-1.1.4-1.el4.eos.i386.rpm
  • sme configuration database update :
  • server-manager panels navigation update :
  • creation of your ejabberd admin account

For security reasons you need to create the admin@yourdomain Jabber account as soon as you enable your ejabberd service because this account will have administration rigths for your ejabberd administration. Jabber services are disabled after package installation, so there is no risk before you enable ejabberd with the server-manager panel.

  1. In your ejabberd panel, enable your ejabberd server, verify or change your Jabber domain and set registration parameter to "Allowed for everybody"
  2. With a Jabber client, register the account "admin@yourdomain" with a (secure) password, and remember this password. This "admin@yourdomain" account and associated password wil be needed to access the administration web page of your ejabberd server at https://yourserver.yourdomain:5280/admin (if enabled in your ejabberd panel).
  3. After setting admin account, you can return to your ejabberd panel and change registration setting for your requirements


Jabber services panel

  • Jabber services access

No access --> ejabberd service disabled
Allow access only from local networks --> ejabberd enabled for all your local networks on LAN port
Allow public access --> ejabberd enabled on LAN and WAN ports

  • Jabber domain

You can choose which of your server domains is used by ejabberd.

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