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ClamAv Options

Configuration options for ClamAV 0.102.4

Note that 'Default' comes before the option

List of Options

Default: disabled

LogFile /var/log/clamd.scan

Default: no

LogFileUnlock yes

Default: 1M

LogFileMaxSize 2M

Default: no

LogTime yes

Default: no

LogClean yes

Default: no

LogSyslog yes

Default: LOG_LOCAL6

LogFacility LOG_MAIL

Default: no

LogVerbose yes

Default: no

LogRotate yes

Default: no

PreludeEnable yes

Default: ClamAV

PreludeAnalyzerName ClamAV

ExtendedDetectionInfo yes

Default: disabled

PidFile /run/clamd.scan/

Default: system specific (usually /tmp or /var/tmp).

TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp

Default: hardcoded (depends on installation options)

DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav

Default: no

OfficialDatabaseOnly no

Default: disabled (must be specified by a user)

LocalSocket /run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock

Default: disabled (the primary group of the user running clamd)

LocalSocketGroup virusgroup

Default: disabled (socket is world accessible)

LocalSocketMode 660

Default: yes

FixStaleSocket yes

Default: no

TCPSocket 3310

Default: no


Default: 200

MaxConnectionQueueLength 30

Default: 25M

StreamMaxLength 10M

Default: 1024

StreamMinPort 30000

Default: 2048

StreamMaxPort 32000

Default: 10

MaxThreads 20

Default: 120

ReadTimeout 300

Default: 30

CommandReadTimeout 30

Default: 500

SendBufTimeout 200

Default: 100

MaxQueue 200

Default: 30

IdleTimeout 60

Default: scan all

ExcludePath ^/proc/

ExcludePath ^/sys/

Default: 15

MaxDirectoryRecursion 20

Default: no

FollowDirectorySymlinks yes

Default: no

FollowFileSymlinks yes

Default: yes

CrossFilesystems yes

Default: 600 (10 min)

SelfCheck 600

Default: no

VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"

Default: don't drop privileges

User clamscan

ExitOnOOM yes

Default: no

Foreground yes

Default: no

Debug yes

Default: no

LeaveTemporaryFiles yes

Default: yes

AllowAllMatchScan no

Default: no

DetectPUA yes

Default: Load all categories (if DetectPUA is activated)

ExcludePUA NetTool

ExcludePUA PWTool

Default: Load all categories (if DetectPUA is activated)

IncludePUA Spy

IncludePUA Scanner

IncludePUA RAT

ForceToDisk yes

Default, the engine will store an MD5 in a cache of any files that are

Default: no

DisableCache yes

Default: yes

HeuristicAlerts yes

Default: no

HeuristicScanPrecedence yes

Default: no

AlertBrokenExecutables yes

Default: no

AlertEncrypted yes

Default: no

AlertEncryptedArchive yes

Default: no

AlertEncryptedDoc yes

Default: no

AlertOLE2Macros yes

Default: no

AlertPhishingSSLMismatch yes

Default: no

AlertPhishingCloak yes

Default: no

AlertPartitionIntersection yes

Default: yes

ScanPE yes

Default: no

DisableCertCheck yes

Default: yes

ScanELF yes

Default: yes

ScanOLE2 yes

Default: yes

ScanPDF yes

Default: yes

ScanSWF yes

Default: yes


Default: yes

ScanHWP3 yes

Default: yes

ScanMail yes

Default: no

ScanPartialMessages yes

Default: yes

PhishingSignatures no

Default: yes

PhishingScanURLs no

Default: No

StructuredDataDetection yes

Default: 3

StructuredMinCreditCardCount 5

Default: 3

StructuredMinSSNCount 5

Default: yes

StructuredSSNFormatNormal yes

Default: no

StructuredSSNFormatStripped yes

Default: yes

ScanHTML yes

Default: yes

ScanArchive yes

Default: 120000

MaxScanTime 300000

Default: 100M

MaxScanSize 150M

Default: 25M

MaxFileSize 30M

Default: 16

Default: 10000

MaxFiles 15000

Default: 10M

Default: 10M

MaxHTMLNormalize 10M

Default: 2M

MaxHTMLNoTags 2M

Default: 5M

MaxScriptNormalize 5M

Default: 1M

MaxZipTypeRcg 1M

Default: 50

MaxPartitions 128

Default: 100

MaxIconsPE 200

Default: 16

MaxRecHWP3 16

Default: 100000

PCREMatchLimit 20000

Default: 2000

PCRERecMatchLimit 10000

Default: 25M

PCREMaxFileSize 100M

Default: no

AlertExceedsMax yes

Default: 5M

OnAccessMaxFileSize 10M

Default: 5

OnAccessMaxThreads 10

Default: 5000 (5 seconds)

OnAccessCurlTimeout 10000

Default: no

OnAccessDisableDDD yes

Default: disabled

OnAccessIncludePath /home

OnAccessIncludePath /students

Default: disabled

OnAccessExcludePath /home/user

Default: no

OnAccessPrevention yes

Default: no

OnAccessDenyOnError yes

Default: no

OnAccessExtraScanning yes

Default: disabled

OnAccessMountPath /

OnAccessMountPath /home/user

Default: no

OnAccessExcludeRootUID no

Default: disabled

OnAccessExcludeUID -1

Default: disabled

OnAccessExcludeUname clamav

Default: 0

OnAccessRetryAttempts 3

Default: yes

Bytecode yes

Default: TrustSigned

BytecodeSecurity TrustSigned

Default: 5000

BytecodeTimeout 1000
