To view the status of contribs.org mirrors, see this page: http://forums.contribs.org/mirrors/
To access the contribs.org download mirrors, always use the URL: http://mirror.contribs.org You will automatically be redirected to a mirror that is current within the last 8 hours.
Want to be a mirror site?
If you or your company has some spare bandwidth and would like to be included in mirror.contribs.org, you can use rsync to do something like this:
rsync -aHhimOSz --partial --timeout 300 --delay-updates --delete-after --delete --max-deletes 1000 ibiblio.org::Linux/distributions/smeserver/ /home/smeserver/
If you don't have the latest rsync then some of the options may cause issues (m,h) you are fine to remove any that aren't supported in your version of rsync.