DB Variables Configuration
Created by: PicsOne (Normando Hall)
SME7 come with the most used parameters set as variables. These variables are used for pass values to final configuration files. Please, read the SME Server Developer's Guide to understand the template and DB process.
These variables are useful to configure your system simply.
Without DB Variables you must following this process:
- If you need to modify a PHP.INI parameter, usually you need to create a custom-template file, and expand.
- Make the custom directory
- Copy the original template file to custom directory
- Modify the file and save
- Expand
- Restart service
With DB Variables:
- The same example above, but with dbvar, execute the following command, expand and restart. In some configuration not need to restart because some signal-event make the necesary expansion and service restart, for example ibay-modify
- db dbfile setprop key prop1 val1
- Expand
- Restart
Suppose you need to increase "memory-limit" in php.
You only execute this sentences:
db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit 64 expand-template /etc/php.ini
and then restart httpd service.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to type correctly, because the variables and keys are case sensitive, but if you make a mistake there are no error to alert you about that, and you think the configuration has changed, but really not changed.
These variables are located in files. Again, refer to Gordon Dev Guide.
The next is only the standard variables defined that come with SME7. Of course you can update this list with new standard variables in future SME versions.
I organizing this long list with three columns. The first is the variable, the second is the target variable (located in the final configuration file), and the third is the default value.
The variables included here are important for access from console, not through server-manager. For example the variable DomainMaster for samba is not important here, because this is set through server-mananger. On the other hand, the variable RecycleBin is important, because it is not accesible through server-manager.
Some configuration files get final variables not only from one DB key or template. This is the case of /etc/rc.d/init.d/masq configuration file. This file get variables from DB keys squid, your own key masq and others. An invert example is httpd-admin DB key. This key has a variable TCPPort and affect two files (/etc/httpd/admin-conf/httpd.conf and /etc/services).
All variable are refered to /etc/e-smith/templates/etc directory. If you want to extend this howto, you can add variables from /etc/e-smith/templates/home/httpd/html/horde dir (horde variables), or /etc/e-smith/templates/var/qmail (qmail variables) or /etc/e-smith/templates/var/service (service variables).
db configuration setprop atalk variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
MaxClients | AFPD_MAX_CLIENTS | 20 |
db configuration setprop clamav variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
ArchiveBlockEncrypted | ArchiveBlockEncrypted | no |
ArchiveBlockMax | ArchiveBlockMax | no |
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio | ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio | 300 |
ArchiveMaxFiles | ArchiveMaxFiles | 1500 |
ArchiveMaxFileSize | ArchiveMaxFileSize | 15M |
ArchiveMaxRecursion | ArchiveMaxRecursion | 8 |
Debug | Debug | no |
DetectBrokenExecutables | DetectBrokenExecutables | no |
IdleTimeout | IdleTimeout | 60 |
LeaveTemporaryFiles | LeaveTemporaryFiles | no |
LogClean | LogClean | yes |
LogTime | LogTime | yes |
LogVerbose | LogVerbose | yes |
MaxConnectionQueueLength | MaxConnectionQueueLength | 30 |
MaxDirectoryRecursion | MaxDirectoryRecursion | 20 |
MaxThreads | MaxThreads | 20 |
ReadTimeout | ReadTimeout | 300 |
ScanArchive | ScanArchive | yes |
ScanHTML | ScanHTML | yes |
ScanMail | ScanMail | yes |
ScanOLE2 | ScanOLE2 | yes |
ScanPE | ScanPE | yes |
SelfCheck | SelfCheck | 1800 |
StreamMaxLength | StreamMaxLength | 25M |
Variable | Target | Default |
Checks | Checks | 24 |
DatabaseMirror | DatabaseMirror | db.local.clamav.net |
DNSDatabaseInfo | DNSDatabaseInfo | current.cvd.clamav.net |
LogVerbose | LogVerbose | yes |
MaxAttempts | MaxAttempts | 6 |
db configuration setprop dhcpd variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
Bootp | bootp | deny |
db configuration setprop flexbackup variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
Blocksize | $blksize | 32 |
TapeBlocksize | $mt_blksize | 0 |
BufferProg | $buffer | buffer |
BufferMegs | $buffer_megs | 20 |
erase_rewind_only | $erase_rewind_only | false |
Type | $type | tar |
db configuration setprop httpd-admin variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
TCPPort | TCPPort | 980 |
db configuration setprop spamassassin variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
DNSAvailable | dns_available | yes |
OkLanguages | ok_languages | all |
OkLocales | ok_locales | all |
ReportSafe | report_safe | 0 |
Subject | rewrite_header Subject | [SPAM] |
SkipRBLChecks | skip_rbl_checks | 0 |
TrustedNetworks | trusted_networks | 127. |
UseAutoWhitelist | use_auto_whitelist | 0 |
UseBayes | use_bayes | 0 |
Sensitivity | required_hits | medium |
db configuration setprop mysqld variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
InnoDB | InnoDB | disabled |
LocalNetworkingOnly | LocalNetworkingOnly | no |
db configuration setprop php variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
MaxExecutionTime | max_execution_time | 30 |
MemoryLimit | memory_limit | 32M |
PostMaxSize | post_max_size | 20M |
UploadMaxFilesize | upload_max_filesize | 10M |
AllowUrlFopen | allow_url_fopen | Off |
db configuration setprop pptpd variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
debug | debug | no |
Passive | passive | enabled |
Variable | Target | Default |
debug | debug | no |
db configuration setprop ftp variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
DisableAnonymous | DisableAnonymous | no |
db configuration setprop smb variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
RecycleBin | recycle | disabled |
ShadowCopy | shadow_copy | disabled |
DeadTime | deadtime | 10080 |
DisplayCharSet | display charset | ISO8859-1 |
DosCharSet | dos charset | 850 |
LogonDrive | logon drive | Z |
OpLocks | oplocks | enabled |
OsLevel | os level | 65 |
ServerString | server string | SME Server |
SMBPorts | smb ports | 139 |
UnixCharSet | unix charset | UTF8 |
UseClientDriver | use client driver | yes |
db configuration setprop squid variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
SafePorts | acl Safe_ports port | 80 |
EnforceSafePorts | EnforceSafePorts | no |
Transparent | Transparent | yes |
db configuration setprop sshd variable value
Variable | Target | Default |
TCPPort | Port | 22 |
Protocol | Protocol | 2 |
UsePAM | UsePAM | no |
MaxAuthTries | MaxAuthTries | 2 |
MaxStartups | MaxStartups | 10:30:60 |
PasswordAuthentication | PasswordAuthentication | no |
PermitRootLogin | PermitRootLogin | no |