Uninterruptable Power Supply:APC
Installation of Latest Version
The latest version of apcupsd is 3.14.8-1 and is available from sourceforge in two rpms - one for the ups daemon and one for the web based monitoring scripts. Neither of these install exactly in line with the SME way, and neither does the older version available on DAG.
These installation instructions make some additional modifications for SME
Download and install
Get the rpms from sourceforge
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/rpms%20-%20Stable/3.14.8/apcupsd-3.14.8-1.el4.i386.rpm/download wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/apcupsd/files/rpms%20-%20Stable/3.14.8/apcupsd-multimon-3.14.8-1.el4.i386.rpm/download
Install with yum
yum localinstall apcupsd-3.14.8-1.el4.i386.rpm apcupsd-multimon-3.14.8-1.el4.i386.rpm
Configure apcupsd
Link the startup file and enable the service
ln -s /etc/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S38apcupsd config set apcupsd service status enabled
Copy the original conf file
cp /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.orig
Edit /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf file and make relevant changes for your UPS and requirements. The file is reasonably well documented and as a minimum you will probably want to set
Now make sure Nut isn't running and start the service
config setprop nut status disabled /etc/init.d/nut stop /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S38apcupsd start
Configure Multimon
The apcupsd-multimon rpm contains four cgi scripts that can be run via the webserver to monitor the UPS(s). The rpm does not install them correctly for SME however so the following modifications are needed.
mkdir -p /opt/apcupsd chown root:www /opt/apcupsd mv /var/www/cgi-bin/multimon.cgi /opt/apcupsd mv /var/www/cgi-bin/upsstats.cgi /opt/apcupsd mv /var/www/cgi-bin/upsfstats.cgi /opt/apcupsd mv /var/www/cgi-bin/upsimage.cgi /opt/apcupsd chown root:www /opt/apcupsd/* chmod 750 /opt/apcupsd/* mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Now edit and create a new file 92apcupsdmon with the following content
{ $OUT = ""; my $allow = 'all'; my $pass = '0'; my $satisfy = 'all'; my $name = $apcupsd{'Name'} || 'apcupsd UPS Monitor'; for ('exit-if-none') { if ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'}) { if ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'none') { next; } elsif ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'local') { $allow = $localAccess; $pass = 0; $satisfy = 'all'; } elsif ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'local-pw') { $allow = $localAccess; $pass = 1; $satisfy = 'all'; } elsif ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'global') { $allow = 'all'; $pass = 0; $satisfy = 'all'; } elsif ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'global-pw') { $allow = 'all'; $pass = 1; $satisfy = 'all'; } elsif ($apcupsd{'PublicAccess'} eq 'global-pw-remote') { $allow = $localAccess; $pass = 1; $satisfy = 'any'; } } $OUT .= "#------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $OUT .= "# apcupsd - $name\n"; $OUT .= "#------------------------------------------------------------\n"; { if ((exists $apcupsd{'URL'}) && ($apcupsd{'URL'} ne )) { $OUT .= "Alias /$apcupsd{'URL'} /opt/apcupsd\n"; $OUT .= "ScriptAlias /$apcupsd{'URL'} /opt/apcupsd\n"; } } $OUT .= "Alias /apcupsd /opt/apcupsd\n"; $OUT .= "ScriptAlias /apcupsd /opt/apcupsd\n"; $OUT .= "\n"; $OUT .= "<Directory /opt/apcupsd>\n"; $OUT .= " DirectoryIndex upsstats.cgi\n"; $OUT .= " Options ExecCGI\n"; $OUT .= " order deny,allow\n"; $OUT .= " deny from all\n"; $OUT .= " allow from $allow\n"; if ($pass) { $OUT .= " AuthName $name\n"; $OUT .= " AuthType Basic\n"; $OUT .= " AuthExternal pwauth\n"; $OUT .= " require valid-user\n"; $OUT .= " Satisfy $satisfy\n"; } $OUT .= "</Directory>\n"; } }
Configure and expand the template
config setprop apcupsd PublicAccess local /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Restart the web server
sv t httpd-e-smith
Now go to http://yourdomain.tld/apcupsd to see the stats for the UPS at localhost, or https://yourdomain.tld/apcupsd/multimon.cgi for an overview of the UPS(s).
By editing /etc/apcupsd/hosts.conf and adding additional network UPS details, multimon.cgi can be used to momitor more than one UPS. By default only the localhost is monitored.
See the apcupsd main site.
See the apcupsd manual for further configuration and testing options.
Original Instructions
The following instructions are based on the original forum post http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=45923.0
Setup the DAG repository
The following command will configure the Dag repository on SME Server. EDIT NOT COMPLETE!
To create an entry in the database for the epel repository we open put the following commands in a terminal
window or in a shell window:
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
Name 'SME Server - epel' \ BaseURL 'http://<http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/$basearch' \ EnableGroups yes \ GPGCheck yes \ Visible no \ status disabled
To enable the changes:
signal-event yum-modify
Just to be sure, give yum a fresh start:
yum clean all
After adding it to the database we have to update the changes to the configuration file:
signal-event yum-modify
Install apcupsd
yum install --enablerepo=dag --enablerepo=base apcupsd
Copy original conf file
cp apcupsd.conf apcupsd.conf.orig
Copy CGI files
cp /var/www/apcupsd/* /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/cgi-bin/
Link the startup script
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99apcupsd
Set the Service in SME
config set apcupsd service status enabled
Edit /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf. The conf file has good detail on setup options.
Suggest setting the TIMEOUT to 600 seconds; You shouldn't let UPS batteries run down to 5% (default) as this massively shortens their life. Set TIMEOUT to 10 for testing.
Reboot or
/etc/init.d/apcupsd start
to start the service.
http://yourdomain.tld/cgi-bin/multimon.cgi gives a nice look at the UPS status, including a log of past events