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Revision as of 12:59, 14 October 2008 by Mmccarn (talk | contribs)
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A couple questions about Interval:

The comments (and the wiki) state that I can change the reporting Interval using "week", "fortnight", or "month", eg:

config setprop mailstats Interval week

However, the specific code looks for "weekly", "fortnightly", "monthly":

my $interval = $cdb->get('mailstats')->prop('Interval') || 'daily';
if ($interval eq "weekly") {
 $secsininterval = 86400*7;
} elsif ($interval eq "fortnightly") {
 $secsininterval = 86400*14;
} elsif ($interval eq "monthly") {
 $secsininterval = 86400;
} elsif ($interval =~m/\d+/) {
 $secsininterval = $interval*3600;

so, does "week" eq "weekly" in perl (I don't know the answer)?

Also, it looks as though month/monthly sets the interval to 86400 rather than 86400*30?

Mmccarn 11:58, 14 October 2008 (UTC)