Learn for SME Server
JOORIS Emmanuel For Firewall-services.com
Scripts (based on LearnAsSpam) which allows users to interact with spamassassin rules simply by dropping mail in special folders of their mailbox (working only with imap).
- Learn mail as spam
- Learn mail as ham
- Whitelist the sender so his mails won't be tagged as spam again
You need to activate the Dag reposity before install this contrib.
First, download the contrib :
wget http://sme.firewall-services.com/downloads/learn/rpms/smeserver-learn-0.0.1-3.noarch.rpm
And then, install it :
yum --enablerepo=dag localinstall smeserver-learn-0.0.1-3.noarch.rpm
Don't forgot to configure db key according to your needs and expand config file.
smeserver-learn store all key who need in configuration db :
- LearnAsSpam> Config key for the spam learning part.
- status={enabled,disabled} Enable or not spam learning
- tag=$string Tag to place before subject to warn user of his message as been learn.
- dir=$string Name of folders where searching spam
- deleteafterlearn={enabled,disabled} delete message after learn instead of move in the user's junkmail folder.
- LearnAsHam> Config key for the ham learning part.
- status={enabled,disabled} Enable or not ham learning
- tag=$string Tag a mettre devant le message pour avertir l'utilisateur que le message a été traité
- dir=$string Name of folders where searching ham.
- LearnInWL> Config key for the spam of messages' senders in the whitelist learning part.
- status={enabled,disabled} Enable or not learning of messages' senders in the whitelist.
- tag=$string Tag a mettre devant le message pour avertir l'utilisateur que le message a été traité
- dir=$string Name of folders where searching message to learn in whitelist the sender address
- Learn> Clef de configuration pour le script generalement
- cron={none,hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} do the search never, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.
One config file is modified : /etc/crontab who need to be expand if prop Learn>cron is modified.
Simply do :
yum remove smeserver-learn
The source rpm for this contrib can be found at here.
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-learn component or use this link .