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4,519 bytes added ,  10:33, 19 April 2008
draft usbdisksmanager
== Disk Manager for SME Server ==

=== Maintainer ===

=== Description ===
Disk Manager usage adds a panel to the server-manager showing attached USB drives

=== Installation ===
yum install smeserver-usbdisksmanager --enablerepo=smedev

=== Uninstall ===
rpm -e smeserver-usbdisksmanager

=== Usage ===

Raw dump of panel text, to be cleaned up...

Firewire is not fully implemented in centos (so SME) kernel. If you want to use a firewire disk you need to use your own compiled kernel or the one from centosplus. Be carefull you will need to compil appletalk, ppp an slip kmod for the kernel you choose (centosplus one or you own).
****** Configuration

Frequency : in minutes between two disk check (CRON job)
Status : enable or disable the automatic job completly
Status /media/ kown : enable or disable auto mount in /media/ of known drives
Status /media/ unknown : enable or disable auto mount in /media/ of unknown drives

To allow to auto mount you need to enable in the configuration "Status", then add your drive and set a mount point that really exists and finally set this drive to enable
****** Add , Modify a drive

UUID : drive identification
MountTo : directerory where you whant to mount this drive
Options Mount : mount options for this drive (see man mount)
Status : enable or disable auto mount to the defined directory for this drive (need to have the contrib set to enabled into configuration)
Status media : enable or disable auto mount into /media directory (need to have the option enabled into the configuration)
****** your drive ext2 or ext3 has no UUID

connect to command line and execute as it seems to be impossible to do through the cgi interface:

* UUID=`/usr/bin/uuidgen`
* /sbin/tune2fs -U $UUID /sys/block/device

("device" should be sda1 if it is the partition you wants to point to)
****** you drive ext2 or ext3 has no LABEL

connect to command line and execute as it seems to be impossible to do through the cgi interface:

* UUID=genuuid
* tune2fs -L MyLabel /sys/block/device

("device" should be sda1 if it is the partition you wants to point to, and "MyLabel" to whatever you wants)
****** Format your drive

Before anything else:

You must be aware that a removable device will have name like /dev/sd[a-z]1 (sda, sdb , sdc ....) under linux. If you have only IDE (ATA) drives on your server there is no problem as they will be named: /dev/hd[a-z]1 (hda, hdb, hdc...). But if you have some SATA or SCSI drives thay will have same kind of name that can have a removable drive : sda ...

Drive named /dev/md[1-0]+ are some kind of software image of the real drives due to the LVM/ software RAID of SME.

Be carrefull when you choose your drive not to choose one of your system drive !. *If you are not 100% certain of what you do just format your drive on another computer UNDER linux.

Never format your drive under windows with a software like partition magic TM, you will fail using this drive because of some error resulting oon the format: impossible to create a UUID and other kind of things that are needed.

1- connect to you SME consol, and connect the drive (USB/firewire)

2- search for connected drive with this command:

* sfdisk -l

3- create a new partition (change X for the letter that correspond to your drive):

* fdisk /dev/sdX

* p ( to check if there is already a partition on this drive)
* if there is one, you should probably exit to see what is on this partition, and avoid to delete something wrong, just do: q
* n (to add a new partition)
* p (to make a primary partion)
* 1 (that's the number one, the number you want to assign to the partition)
* (accept the suggested first & last cylinder values)
* w (write and exit)

4- format your new partition ( change X with what is needed for you, and same thing for the 1 if you have done more than one partition on your new drive)

* mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdX1

5- convert from ext2 to ext3

* tune2fs -j /dev/sdX1

6- enable quotas (optionel)

* quotacheck -vugc /dev/hdc1

7- add a Label (change X to what is needed for you, same thing for the 1 if needed)
(MyLAbel must have no space and short)

* tune2fs -L MyLabel /sys/block/sdX1

8- check everything is OK: UUID, Label (change X to what is needed for you, same thing for the 1 if needed) :

* blkid /dev/sdX1

if it is not correct for UUID see the section above concerning how to add a UUID (you need a UUID to use this contrib)

9- Your drive is ready


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