Line 33:
Line 33:
a minor change, don't release an rpm just for this
a minor change, don't release an rpm just for this
Line 47:
Line 47:
{ $OUT .= "Alias /$foo{'URL'} /opt/foo\n"; }
{ $OUT .= "Alias /$foo{'URL'} /opt/foo\n"; }
NP, I'll add this improvement in the next release. I'll take a look (again) at your article to add this functionnality to GLPI (do you want one for OCS too?)
I will also set 'ocsinventory' and 'ocsinterface' as url types to avoid using these virtual locations as alias ;-)
By the way, it's not so hard to remember: GLPI means Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique :-D
Very easy to remember... For a French guy!