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The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide reliable monitoring of UPS hardware and ensure safe shutdowns of the systems which are connected.
The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide reliable monitoring of UPS hardware and ensure safe shutdowns of the systems which are connected.
====Standard configuration====
If using USB just enable nut
====Standard Default Configuration====
Most '''USB''' UPS devices will work with the default settings. If your USB UPS does not work properly OR you have a ''serial device'' then follow the optional instructions below. If using USB just enable nut.
config setprop nut status enabled
config setprop nut status enabled
signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot
These are only for information as they are the default values
config setprop nut Model newhidups (default)
config setprop nut Device /var/lib/ups/hiddev0 (default/USB)
Not all UPS's are supported by USB or the newhidups driver, refer to the link below <br />
===Optional Configuration Options===
eg. config setprop nut Model bcmxcp_usb is for some Powerware units on USB <br />
or config setprop nut Model genericups is for other Powerware units that only work on serial <br />
Not all UPS's are supported by USB or the newhidups driver, refer to the link below. <br />
eg. config setprop nut Model bcmxcp_usb is for some Powerware units on USB. <br />
Or config setprop nut Model genericups is for other Powerware units that only work on serial. <br />
Find your Model here <br />
Find your Model here <br />
Type is only used if your model is genericups <br />
Note: "Type" is only used if your model is genericups <br />
Note, standard serial cables won't work with your USB, use the supplied one
Caution: ALWAYS use the cable supplied with the UPS. Standard serial cables won't work with a serial UPS and have even been known to cause damage to the UPS.
These are basic '''example''' settings. Replace the properties with the appropriate settings for your UPS.
config setprop nut Model apcsmart
config setprop nut Model apcsmart
config setprop nut Device /dev/ttyS0
config setprop nut Device /dev/ttyS0
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expand-template /etc/sysconfig/ups
expand-template /etc/sysconfig/ups
expand-template /etc/ups/ups.conf
expand-template /etc/ups/*
expand-template /etc/ups/upssched.conf
expand-template /etc/ups/upsmon.conf
expand-template /etc/ups/upsd.users
expand-template /etc/ups/upsd.conf
/etc/rc7.d/S15nut start
/etc/rc7.d/S15nut start