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732 bytes added ,  09:35, 15 December 2022
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In case of issue, the GUI might suggest to run module upgrade from CLI, then do  
In case of issue, the GUI might suggest to run module upgrade from CLI, then do  
fwconsole ma upgrade framework
  fwconsole ma upgradeall
  fwconsole ma upgradeall
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{{ Note box| With SME 10 we provide Asterisk 13 and FreePBX 14 as a start, so you can easily migrate you previous SME 9 FreePBX installation. You can then easily migrate to FreePBX 15. Then you will need to wait we upgrade the contrib to allow to update the php version to 74 to be able to migrate to FreePBX 16, that is the only missing reuqirement. The reason we limited to php56 is that  FreePBX 14 is only able to handle php56 and fails with anything lower or higher.}}
{{ Note box| With SME 10 we provide Asterisk 13 and FreePBX 14 as a start, so you can easily migrate you previous SME 9 FreePBX installation. You can then easily migrate to FreePBX 15. Then you will need to wait we upgrade the contrib to allow to update the php version to 74 to be able to migrate to FreePBX 16, that is the only missing reuqirement. The reason we limited to php56 is that  FreePBX 14 is only able to handle php56 and fails with anything lower or higher.}}
=== v15 to v16 ===
v15 does not work well with php74, v16 requires it. GUI update will fail. You need to prepare it this way
config setprop freepbx PHPVersion 74
expand-template /etc/opt/remi/php74/php-fpm.d/www.conf
expand-template  /etc/httpd/fpbx-conf/httpd.conf
expand-template /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
systemctl restart php56-php-fpm
systemctl restart php74-php-fpm
systemctl restart httpd-fpbx
actual upgrade:
fwconsole versionupgrade --check
fwconsole versionupgrade --upgrade
# needs to do this way or you will not be able to update to 16:
/bin/php56 /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole  ma upgrade framework
fwconsole ma upgradeall
signal-event freepbx-update
=== Upgrade Asterisk Major Version ===
=== Upgrade Asterisk Major Version ===
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