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add 2 sections : extra RAID disk and copy data from old raid
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#More info:
#More info:
== Add another Raid to mount to /home/e-smith/files ==
this is inspired from previous content of [[AddExtraHardDisk]] and particularly the part [[AddExtraHardDisk#Additional steps to create a raid array from multiple disks]] but updated to 2022 and SME10
1 you need to check what disk you want, using lsblk<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# lsblk --fs
NAME  FSTYPE            LABEL                    UUID                                MOUNTPOINT
├─sda1 vfat                                      B93A-85A4                            /boot/efi
├─sda2 xfs                                        89e9cc9e-d3d2-4d02-bad5-2698aea0a510 /boot
├─sda3 swap                                      64d21f89-4d7c-417a-907e-34236f6cd0be [SWAP]
└─sda4 xfs                                        65bf712c-2186-4524-aae8-edd8151de1e7 /
</syntaxhighlight>then you can create the Raid array. We assume you only need one Raid partition, and hence do not need to partition it.<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
#create array
mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md11 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
# add to mdadm.conf
mdadm --detail --scan --verbose /dev/md11 >> /etc/mdadm.conf
</syntaxhighlight>then format it and enable quotas. If you want to add a LVM Layer, this is just before that !<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkfs.xfs /dev/md11
</syntaxhighlight>now you have<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# lsblk --fs
NAME  FSTYPE            LABEL                    UUID                                MOUNTPOINT
├─sda1 vfat                                      B93A-85A4                            /boot/efi
├─sda2 xfs                                        89e9cc9e-d3d2-4d02-bad5-2698aea0a510 /boot
├─sda3 swap                                      64d21f89-4d7c-417a-907e-34236f6cd0be [SWAP]
└─sda4 xfs                                        65bf712c-2186-4524-aae8-edd8151de1e7 /
sdb    linux_raid_member localhost.localdomain:11 6c4b9640-7349-15fe-28b1-78843d9a149a
└─md11 xfs                                        0ab4fe2a-aa81-4728-90d8-2f96d4624af8
sdc    linux_raid_member localhost.localdomain:11 6c4b9640-7349-15fe-28b1-78843d9a149a
└─md11 xfs                                        0ab4fe2a-aa81-4728-90d8-2f96d4624af8
</syntaxhighlight>then you need to mount it temporary to move your content<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkdir /mnt/newdisk
mount /dev/md11 /mnt/newdisk
rsync -arv /home/e-smith/files/ /mnt/newdisk
</syntaxhighlight>When happy with result simply add an entry to you fstab, according to last lsblk output in this case you should add <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
UUID=0ab4fe2a-aa81-4728-90d8-2f96d4624af8 /home/e-smith/files            xfs    uquota,gquota        0 0
</syntaxhighlight>finally to have the disk mounted on reboot, you need to alter grub
== Copy data from one disk of an old Raid mirror disk ==
Let's say you want to copy the huge amount of data you excluded from the backup to migrate from SME9 to SME10 and now you want to copy this to your new server.
This How-To assume your current install is without LVM. An extra trick is needed if you have a LVM and previous SME9 also. You simply need to rename the vg group either of the old SME or new one using a rescue disk or another Linux distro, see [[UpgradeDisk#Moving from SME 8.x to SME 9.x]].
# put one of the old drives in the server or in an external case and connect it
# use lsblk to identify the drive
# adapt the following commands
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# lsblk
sdd        8:48  0 931,5G  0 disk 
├─sdd1      8:49  0  250M  0 part 
└─sdd2      8:50  0 931,3G  0 part 
</syntaxhighlight>We assume that sd1 was the boot partition and the stuff we want is in sdd2<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
#assemble and run on degraded
mdadm -A /dev/md126 /dev/sdd2 --run
</syntaxhighlight>now let's try to mount, it will work only if you had no LVM, or it will return this<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# mkdir /mnt/olddisk/
# mount /dev/md126 /mnt/olddisk/
mount: filesystem « LVM2_member » unknown
</syntaxhighlight>you can skip this step if you did not got the LVM error. Then we need to activate the LVM, and we can assume you might need also to install lvm stuffs...<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# yum install lvm2 -y
vgchange -a y main
mount /dev/mapper/main-root  /mnt/olddisk/
</syntaxhighlight>It is now time to copy your stuffs.<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
rsync -arvHAX  /mnt/olddisk/home/e-smith/files/ /home/e-smith/files
</syntaxhighlight>then to remove safely your disk<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
vgchange -a n main
umount /dev/mapper/main-root
mdadm --stop /dev/md126
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