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1,135 bytes added ,  20:59, 10 August 2022
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</syntaxhighlight>{{Warning box|You cannot set options in daemon.json that have already been set on daemon startup as a flag. On systems that use systemd to start the Docker daemon, -H is already set, so you cannot use the hosts key in daemon.json to add listening addresses. See “custom Docker daemon options” for how to accomplish this task with a systemd drop-in file.}}
</syntaxhighlight>{{Warning box|You cannot set options in daemon.json that have already been set on daemon startup as a flag. On systems that use systemd to start the Docker daemon, -H is already set, so you cannot use the hosts key in daemon.json to add listening addresses. See “custom Docker daemon options” for how to accomplish this task with a systemd drop-in file.}}
==use of jq to get and use info ==
list all networks id
# docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $1 }'
list all network names
# docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $2 }'
list all Network and Gateway
# docker network inspect `docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $1 }'`|jq '.[].IPAM.Config[]'
  "Subnet": "",
  "Gateway": ""
  "Subnet": "",
  "Gateway": ""
list all subnet
# docker network inspect `docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $1 }'`|jq '.[].IPAM.Config[].Subnet'
list all Gateway
# docker network inspect `docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $1 }'`|jq '.[].IPAM.Config[]'|jq ".Gateway"
# docker network inspect `docker network ls|awk '(NR!=1) {print $1 }'`|jq '.[].IPAM.Config[].Gateway'
from there we could check if all the network are indeed in db network of SME
== usefull command for users ==
connect to a container with bash invite
docker exec -it onlyoffice bash
== sources ==
== sources ==
Super Admin, Wiki & Docs Team, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators


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