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=== Command line ===
=== Command line ===
if you happen to need tweaking your installation, here is how to access the command line for Nextcloud on SME, considering we use PHP SCL.
if you happen to need tweaking your installation, here is how to access the command line for Nextcloud on SME, we made it easier for you, just log as root and use the OCC command (using capitals), This command will execute for you what you need as the www user, using the needed version of php. Here two examples: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
OCC maintenance:mode --off
The following is an example to disable maintenance mode and repair installation. The key point are :
OCC maintenance:repair
* to connect as www user
* cd to nextcloud foldet
* use the scl syntax to select php71 or higher
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
su www -s /bin/bash
cd /usr/share/nextcloud/
scl enable php71 'php occ maintenance:mode --off'
scl enable php71 'php occ maintenance:repair'
</syntaxhighlight>to seek for additional command consult Nextcloud documentation :
</syntaxhighlight>to seek for additional command consult Nextcloud documentation :
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