{{Note box|Now when you want a specific rpm, you have to install it from the 'remi' repository. The name start by php54-php or php55-php or php56-php
{{Note box|Now when you want a specific rpm, you have to install it from the 'remi-safe' repository. The name start by php54-php or php55-php or php56-php
here all the rpm available : '''http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/6/remi/x86_64/repoview/letter_p.group.html''' }}
here all the rpm available : '''http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/6/safe/x86_64/repoview/letter_p.group.html''' }}
If you want to see available rpm
If you want to see available rpm
yum list available php5\* --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=remi
yum list available php5\* --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=remi-safe
For example if you want to install the php rpm for pgsql
For example if you want to install the php rpm for pgsql