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1,085 bytes removed ,  22:56, 25 February 2017
→‎SME9: warnings at boot: : fixed in release 13-12
Line 214: Line 214:  
===SME9: /tmp owned by asterisk:asterisk===
===SME9: /tmp owned by asterisk:asterisk===
update to a version of smeserver-freepbx >=13.3 and this will be fixed
update to a version of smeserver-freepbx >=13.3 and this will be fixed
===SME9: warnings at boot ===
at the end of boot sequence you can read:
Starting system message bus                    [OK]
/etc/amportal.conf: line 624: reg: command not found
/etc/amportal.conf: line 785: No such file or directory
you can safely ignore those, they are cause by an upstream migration script and they are just noise. Or you can fix them, but please note that /etc/amportal.conf is regenerated with update events:
The 'reg' issue is due to the lack of an escape (\) character. (see
Is now:
# Default value: FreePBX&reg;
Should be:
# Default value: FreePBX\&reg;
The wiki shows the registered trademark sign &reg, where the characters are '& reg' together.
The 'Feedburner' issue is due to another typo. Please see /etc/amportal.conf at the line shown above, and remove the line break (^M) so that it looks exactly like the default example directly above the line.
===SME9: freepbx modules ===
===SME9: freepbx modules ===
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