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413 bytes removed ,  12:25, 4 April 2016
Adjusted Note boxes at start and a few tidies
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{{Note box| This How-to is based on the forum discussion [,45083.0.html here], until this How-to gets converted in to a contrib and has a place in the Bugzilla bug tracking system, please report bugs in the original forum discussion. }}
{{Note box|April 2016: Update on the previous Squeezebox Server and SqueezeCenter How-to's (see the Links section) after an install of Logitech Media Server on SME9.1 x86_64. Major changes brought about by the repositories vanishing but there is a place to download almost any release made of the variously named packages over a range of platforms.}}
{{Note box| 8/12/2009 This how-to has been tested on SME8 beta 4 by omitting the sections 'Install Perl 5.10.0' and 'Patch Squeezebox server to use Perl5.10.0'.}}
{{Note box| April 2016: Update after an install on SME9.1 x86_64. The repositories have vanished but there is a place to download almost any release made of the variously named packages over a range of platforms. The logitechmediaserver-7.7.5-1.noarch.rpm "knows about" SME and its install scripts do some of the work.}}
Logitech Media Server is the new name for Squeezebox Server which was the new name for SqueezeCenter.
Logitech Media Server is the new name for Squeezebox Server which was the new name for SqueezeCenter.
Logitech media Server is the media server component of Slim Devices's (now a Logitech company) media playing devices such as Squeezebox™. Not only will it power any Squeezebox™ or Transporter®, but also any software MP3 player on your network. Please refer to Logitech Media Server's product and help pages for operation.
Logitech Media Server is the media server component of Slim Devices's (now a Logitech company) media playing devices such as Squeezebox™. Not only will it power any Squeezebox™ or Transporter®, but also any software MP3 player on your network. Please refer to Logitech Media Server's product and help pages for operation.
This How-to describes the installation and updating of Logitech Media Server on SME9.1 x86_64 Server.  
This How-to describes the installation and updating of Logitech Media Server on SME9.1 x86_64 Server.  
Line 21: Line 19:<br><br>
This How-to is based on the previous Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Center How-to's:<br>
This How-to is based on the previous Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Center How-to's:<br>
Squeezebox Server:<br>
Squeezebox Server:<br>
The original credits still apply:<br>
The original credits still apply:<br>
Originator: [[User:bricknell| bricknell]] - documented his struggles and successes for others<br>
Originator: [[User:bricknell| bricknell]] - documented his struggles and successes for others<br>
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To test, start Squeezebox server manually (beware the very long command):
To test, start Squeezebox server manually (beware the very long command):
  sudo -u squeezeboxserver /usr/libexec/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir=/var/log/squeezeboxserver --cachedir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --charset=utf8 --d_startup --s_stdout
  sudo -u squeezeboxserver /usr/libexec/squeezeboxserver \
--prefsdir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs \
--logdir=/var/log/squeezeboxserver \
--cachedir=/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache \
--charset=utf8 --d_startup --s_stdout
The debug messages should help hi-light any problems. It'll probably complain that it can't read server.prefs and didn't find the requested directories for [Videos] and [Pictures], these complaints can be ignored.
The debug messages should help hi-light any problems. It'll probably complain that it can't read server.prefs and didn't find the requested directories for [Videos] and [Pictures], these complaints can be ignored.


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