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1,090 bytes added ,  15:44, 11 June 2015
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  sv t /service/squid/
  sv t /service/squid/
====How do I block access to (Facebook|Twitter|whatever) that runs on https?====
Nowadays many sites work only using https protocol; we can't filter their content but we can block access to them
From this post
Create the rigth path into /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/squid/squid.conf
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/squid/squid.conf
move into the new path
cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/squid/squid.conf
create a new fragment 20ACL40bannedsites
nano 20ACL40bannedsites
it's content must be (for example, to block Facebook)
acl bannedsites dstdomain
Domains to be blocked can be many, just put them in the same line, separated by a space
Save and exit with Ctrl-X, Y
create another fragment 40http_access15denyconnectBannedsites
nano 40http_access15denyconnectBannedsites
with this content
http_access deny CONNECT bannedsites
Save and exit with Ctrl-X, Y
Now, invoke proxy-update event
signal-event proxy-update
Tested and working on SME8.X and SME9


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