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{{Donate}}{{Tip box|For a complete overview of SME Server Development see our '''[[SME_Server_Development_Framework|SME Server Development Framework]]''' page.}}== SME Server 10 ==* [[SME_Server_wishlist | What do you want to see in v10 ? Add to the wishlist]]
== Current status ==* Not active yet
== Current tasks ==Please add your name(s) next to the task you are working on.* Task
== Current open bugs =={{#bugzilla:columns=id,status,cf_package:Package,summary |product=SME Server 10.X |status=!(CLOSED,RESOLVED,VERIFIED) |sort=status,id |noresultsmessage="Well done guys, no more open bugs!"}}{{note box| Bugs needing verification are shown here [[Verification_Queue]]}}== Recent documentation changes ==<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Collapse" data-expandtext="Recent changes">{{int:recentchangeslinked}}: {{Special:RecentChangesLinked/Category:SME10-Development}}</div>[[Category:Categorisation]][[Category:SME Server Development Framework]][[Category:SME10-Development]]