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4,365 bytes added ,  14:33, 12 April 2007
Scuttle install HowTo
== Scuttle for SME Server ==

=== Maintainer ===
[ Dungog] (Software)

=== Description ===
[ Scuttle] is a web-based social bookmarks manager that enables you to:
*Store all your favourite links in one place, accessible from anywhere.
*Share your bookmarks with everyone, with friends or just keep them private.
*Tag your bookmarks with as many labels, instead of wrestling with folders.
<br>Step-by-step silly HowTo for installation of Scuttle on a fresh SMEserver 7.1.3.
<br>Orginates from [ Dungog HowTo] and some input from the forums.
<br>It reflects the experiences I've had during install and are probably not always applicable.
<br>It's intended for Linux-newbies like myself, experienced users are probably better off using the original.
<br>Check latest releases at [ Dungog SME software]

=== Installation ===
This contrib can be found in the [ Dungog] repository.
<br>; My comments
<br># "Command to be written or pasted into the console"
<br><br>; 1. Log in (with username root) to the SMEserver console.
<br>; 2. If you already enabled Dungog repo, skip down to 6, if your'e unsure, go to 5.
<br>; 3. Add dungog repository to your yum-repositories database:
<br># /sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set dungog repository \
<br>Name 'SME Server 7 - dungog' \
<br>BaseURL '' \
<br>EnableGroups yes \
<br>GPGCheck no \
<br>Visible yes \
<br>status disabled
<br>; 4. Do this for the changes to take effect:
<br># /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/yum.conf
<br>; 5. Check correct input with
<br># db yum_repositories show dungog
<br>; It should contain the lines in step 3. If you get nothing in return, go back to 3.
<br>; 6. Download and install scuttle and smeserver-scuttle
<br># yum install --enablerepo=dungog smeserver-scuttle
<br>; I don't install this from smedev because it may contain an older version.
<br>; You will get a y/n-question, answer y if it looks fine.
<br>Step 7 are not necessary
<br>; 7. WARNING..........:
<br># signal-event post-upgrade
<br>; And:
<br># signal-event reboot
<br>; 8. create database structure
<br># /usr/bin/mysql scuttle < /opt/scuttle/tables.sql
<br>; 9. Copy and rename the config file
<br># cp /opt/scuttle/ /opt/scuttle/
<br>; 10. Find scuttle mysql password (DbPassword=) with
<br># config show scuttle
<br>; Copy the string, it should be similar to this:
<br> 2zvEiYibIewQOsQ07KAtObnh5FcOhUhaq+dtSAdXBjuOBsbSoPt5Bty8PEPfjhfHmL0wejMAmUMO
<br>; 11. Open config file with text editor Pico (^-sign means ctrl-button)
<br># pico -w /opt/scuttle/
<br>; Edit the following lines with these values (special for dbpass):
<br> $dbtype = 'mysql';
<br> $dbhost = 'localhost';
<br> $dbport = '3306';
<br> $dbuser = 'scuttle';
<br> $dbpass = 'paste copied password here';
<br> $dbname = 'scuttle';
<br>; Exit Pico, save to file, choose
<br>; 12. Open http://yourserver/scuttle/ and register a user.
<br>Step 13-14 are optional, not necessary for Scuttle to function.
<br>; 13. [ Firefox plugin]
<br>; 14. Restrict usage with PublicAccess db, (global-pw are default):
<br># config setprop scuttle PublicAccess global-pw
<br>; Fore more options: [<br>#scuttle Dungog HowTo]
<br> Scroll to: "to limit access to the web app."

=== Additional information ===
<br>; If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).
<br>; Please note that this was written in april 2007, if the software change then this howto may be outdated.
<br>Please do edit if you find errors or have improvements, but make sure that it works!
<br>Good luck [ /Per]


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