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Created page with "{{Languages|Zarafa}} {{Level|Advanced}} ===Maintainers=== Paul Floor ===Version=== {{#smeversion:smeserver-zarafa-unix}} ===Description=== Zar..."

Paul Floor



Zarafa is a workgroup sharing solution based on the look-and-feel of Microsoft
Outlook, which enables the sharing of mail and appointments from Outlook and a
web-based interface.

There is an additional interface called zarafa-webapp with additional features


====Latest zarafa tested version====
Information on latest and previous versions of zarafa rpms can be found in the [ changelog document]

====Zarafa rpms installation====

Select the appropraite rhel-6 arch for your hardware.

Note: The free version contains the free 3 Outlook license version. if you are planning on using or testing this with any outlook clients, you will want to download the free version.

tar -zxvf zcp*.tar.gz
cd into zcp directory
rm -f *dev*.rpm
yum localinstall *.rpm

This will also install several dependencies.


{{Note box| Everything is done automatically for you by the post-install event so you do not need to do anything further. This is a tested contrib and currently works on SME9alpha1. It should be ready for production servers when SME9 reaches RC stage.

By default, Zarafa is enabled for all users except admin. You can change this to 'per user' via db entries.}}

Install a fresh SME 9 test server and perform the following:

yum install smeserver-zarafa-unix --enablerepo=smedev (NOTE: This will not work until the mirrors are updated.)

NOTE: On the GPL version you must disable zarafa-licensed...
config setprop zarafa-licensed status disabled

After rpm install execute the following:

signal-event zarafa-post-install
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

To diable global Zarafa for all users...
config setprop zarafa-server GlobalForward disabled
signal-event user-modify

To enable an individual user if Global is disabled...
db accounts setprop $USERNAME zarafa enabled
signal-event user-modify $USERNAME
To enable the admin account...
db accounts setprop admin zarafa enabled
signal-event user-modify-admin

Access with a browser,
https://server/webmail (with Horde disabled '/server-manager > Email > Webmail Access')
https://server/zarafa-webapp (This is the new Zarafa Webapp with additional features)

To use MS Outlook install the zarafaclient-*.msi add-on contained in the win32 directory of zarafa-*.tar.gz

The default ports for Zarafa are 8000 + default values
so imap = 8143, imaps 8993

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