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Back to [[SME_Server_9.0_Development|SME Server 9.0 Development]]
== SME on CentOS 6 ==
{{Note box|NOTE !!!!!!
{{note box| This page is now obsolete, kept for reference only. see [[SME Server:9.0|SME Server 9 Release Notes]]}}
These are my own attempts. I am not qualified to do this. Do NOT try it on anything other than a Virtual Machine, or a test machine.<br />}}
The [ previous] instructions on how to install SME packages on CentOS 6 minimal are now out of date, but are still available in the history [ archive].  Please see [[SME9Alpha | SME9Alpha]] for the latest development steps.
These are some notes on my attempts at installing SME on CentOS 6. Pardon the bad formatting - I was in a rush and haven't got to grasps with Wiki formatting yet.
The [ previous] version can be usefull as a starting point for:
* Creating an OpenVZ template for SME
* Building SME on other future CentOS versions
* Building SME on CentOS like distros
There are two paths that I can see to testing this
1. Install CentOS 6 Minimal and try to add the equivalent 6 packages and see what is missing.<br />
2. Install CentOS 6 Minimal and then try to add existing SME v8 (el5) packages
I decided to try Route 1 first.
I did the following using a Virtualbox VM for expediency allowing me to revert changes easily if I needed too.
== Installing CentOS 6 minimal ==
First a few notes on CentOS 6 minimal.
This is a bare bones install with very little on board.
=== Enable networking ===
Each boot you have to start the network etc etc. I decided it was better with the minimal install and touch as little as possible - if I could then get SME packages installed I could then use that to configure networking later.
To start the networking
./etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth eth0
dhclient eth0
or if you want to assign a IP address yourself.
ifconfig eth0
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
route add default gw eth0
To make your changes permanent you will need to edit the configuration file to make it active on boot. There is only the vi text editor, you can also install nano.
yum install nano
nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
and set ONBOOT=”YES”
=== Enable SSH ===
On first run make sure we have ssh installed so we can use a terminal to login - much easier for copy and pasting stuff :
yum install open-ssh*
To get to the sshd service you will need this on each boot :
service iptables stop
service sshd start
== SME Server specific/required perl packages ==
I decided to attack perl first as the SME stuff is written in it.
Here is a list of perl files from v8 and their equivalent in CentOS 6 if available....
To get a list of the file names in v8 either do (all file starting with the string 'perl'):
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' name=perl\*
(Thanks Shad !)
or as per suggestion on the lists (All files containing the string 'perl')
rpm -qa | grep perl | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*//'
To get a alphabetically sorted list (which is easier to compare lists) add '|sort' to the commands above.
rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}\n' name=perl\*|sort
rpm -qa | grep perl | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*//'|sort
Which command will be the de facto standard to use so we are all talking about the same list??
This is the output of the non-GREP variant:
perl-Digest-SHA Y
perl Y
perl-Archive-Tar Y
perl-Authen-PAM ******
perl-Authen-SASL Y
perl-BSD-Resource ******
perl-CGI-FormMagick ******
perl-CGI-Persistent ******
perl-Class-ParamParser ******
perl-Clone Y
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 Y
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib         Y
perl-Compress-Zlib     Y
perl-Convert-ASN1     Y
perl-Convert-BinHex Y
perl-Convert-TNEF ******
perl-Crypt-Cracklib ******
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum Y
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random Y
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA Y
perl-DateManip Y
perl-DBD-MySQL Y
perl-DBI Y
perl-Digest-HMAC Y
perl-Digest-SHA1 Y
perl-Email-Date-Format Y
perl-Encode-Detect Y
perl-Error Y
perl-File-MMagic ******
perl-Geography-Countries ******
perl-HTML-Parser Y
perl-HTML-Tabulate ******
perl-HTML-Tagset Y
perl-I18N-AcceptLanguage ******
perl-IO-Compress-Base Y
perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2 Y
perl-IO-Compress-Zlib Y
perl-IO-Socket-INET6 Y
perl-IO-Socket-SSL Y
perl-IO-stringy Y
perl-IO-Zlib Y
perl-IP-Country ******
perl-LDAP Y
perl-libwww-perl Y
perl-Locale-gettext ******
perl-Mail-DKIM Y
perl-Mail-RFC822-Address ******
perl-Mail-SPF ******
perl-MailTools Y
perl-MIME-Lite Y
perl-MIME-tools Y
perl-Net-DNS Y
perl-Net-Ident ******
perl-Net-IP Y
perl-Net-IPv4Addr ******
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL Y
perl-Net-SSLeay Y
perl-NetAddr-IP Y
perl-Object-Persistence ******
perl-Package-Constants Y
perl-Quota ******
perl-Razor-Agent ******
perl-RPM2 ******
perl-Socket6 Y
perl-suidperl Y
perl-Test-Inline ******
perl-Text-Iconv Y
perl-Text-Template ******
perl-Time-TAI64 ******
perl-TimeDate Y
perl-Unix-ConfigFile ******
perl-URI Y
perl-version Y
perl-WWW-Automate ******
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport Y
perl-XML-Parser Y
perl-XML-SAX Y
I am now going to try and lob in the existing/missing el5 versions to see what happens. My guess is we will need to rebuild the required modules.
Next will be an attack on FormMagick - there is no package in the default install so need to figure that out. In may indeed be horrible, but we can live with it for now.
Hopefully with perl and FormMagick installed, most of the SME stuff *should* basically install.
Please consult/subscribe to the devs list here for more infromation :

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