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[[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]]<br/>
[[Utilisateur:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]]<br/>
[ Firewall Services]<br>
[ Firewall Services]<br>
Line 13: Line 13:  
=== Description ===
=== Description ===
[ FreePBX]  is a full-featured PBX web application. If you’ve looked into Asterisk, you know that it doesn’t come with any "built in" programming. You can’t plug a phone into it and make it work without editing configuration files, writing dialplans, and various messing about.
[ FreePBX]  est une application Web avec un ensemble de fonctionnalités PBX. Si vous vous êtes penché sur Asterisk, vous savez que cela ne vient pas avec une programmation déjà faite. Vous ne pouvez pas brancher un téléphone et le faire fonctionner sans modifier les fichiers de configuration, écrire des dialplans et various messing about.
FreePBX simplifies this by giving you pre-programmed functionality accessible by a user-friendly web interfaces that allows you to have a fully functional PBX pretty much straight away with no programming required. Some of the features that FreePBX supports out of the box are:
FreePBX simplifie cela en vous donnant des fonctionnalités pré-programmés accessibles par des interfaces web faciles à utiliser qui vous permette de disposer d'un PBX totalement fonctionnel à peu près tout de suite sans la programmation requise. Quelques-unes des caractéristiques de FreePBX sont :
*Unlimited number of Voicemail boxes
*Nombre illimité de boîtes de messagerie vocale
*"Follow Me" functionality
*fonctionnalité "Follow Me"
*Ring Groups with calls confirmation (so if, eg, a cellphone is out of range and diverts to voicemail, all the other phones keep ringing)
*Ring Groups avec la confirmation d'appels (si, par exemple, un téléphone portable est hors de portée et fait un renvoi à la boîte vocale, tous les autres téléphones continuent de sonner)
*Unlimited number of Conferences (limited by available CPU power - about 300 simultaneous users in conferences on a P4 3ghz - 600 with a dual core!)
*Un nombre illimité de conférences (limité par la puissance CPU disponible - environ 300 utilisateurs simultanés à des conférences sur un P4 3ghz - 600 avec un dual core!)
*Paging and Intercom functionality for man SIP phones that support it.
*Paging and Intercom functionality for man SIP phones that support it.
*Music on Hold (via MP3s, or streamed off the internet)
*Musique d'attente (par le biais de fichiers MP3, ou écoutés sur Internet)
*Call Queues
*Files d'attente d'appel
*And many other features
*Et bien d'autres fonctionnalités
=== Requirements ===
=== Exigences ===
*SME Server 7.X
*SME Server 7.X
*You may also want some hardware cards if you don't want your installation to be IP only. I've tested successfully the TDM400P, TDM410P and b410P (misdn) from Digium, but any card supported by DAHDI (should be anything working with zaptel) should work.
*Vous pouvez aussi vouloir des cartes (matériel) si vous ne voulez pas que votre installation soit seulement IP. J'ai testé avec succès les cartes TDM400P, TDM410P et b410P (misdn) de Digium, mais n'importe quelle carte soutenue par DAHDI (should be anything working with zaptel) devrait fonctionner.  
=== Installation ===
=== Installation ===
{{Warning box|FreePBX will manage all asterisk configuration. If you have already configured asterisk by hands, you should backup everything. Of course, you'll latter be able to customize some parts of the diaplan, but in special files. Also, FreePBX is NOT compatible with SAIL (it's an alternative)}}
{{Warning box|FreePBX va gérer toute configuration asterisk. Si vous avez déjà configuré asterisk manuellement, il faut tout sauvegarder. Bien sûr, après vous pourrez personnaliser certaines parties du diaplan, mais avec des fichiers spéciaux. Aussi, freePBX n'est PAS compatible avec SAIL (c'est une autre alternative pour configurer asterisk)}}
*Install the rpms
*Installez le RPM
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-freepbx
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-freepbx
You may also want to install dahdi drivers (it's the new name for zaptel) if you have an hardware card supported
Vous pouvez également installer les pilotes dahdi (c'est le nouveau nom de Zaptel) si vous avez une carte (matériel) supportée
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install dahdi-tools dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-kmdl-$(uname -r)
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install dahdi-tools dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-kmdl-$(uname -r)
*Finish the installation
*Terminez l'installation
To finish the installation, you should issue the command
Pour terminer l'installation, vous devrez taper la commande
  signal-event freepbx-update
  signal-event freepbx-update
The first time this event runs, it'll install FreePBX. You'll find installation's log in /root/freepbx_install.log
La première fois que vous ferez cette commande, ça installera freePBX. Vous trouverez le log d'installation dans /root/freepbx_install.log
You should now be able to start using FreePBX on https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin
Vous devriez maintenant être en mesure de commencer à utiliser freePBX sur https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin
=== Components ===
=== Composants ===
FreePBX is composed of 4 main parts: the main FreePBX interface, Recordings, Asterisk-Stats and Flash Operator Panel
FreePBX est composé de 4 parties principales: l'interface principal de configuration de freePBX, Recordings, Asterisk-Stats et Flash Operator Panel
==== FreePBX ====
==== FreePBX ====
This is the main web interface for asterisk configuration. This interface is available at https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin, or in the server-manager, under FreePBX menu.
C'est l'interface web de configuration d'asterisk. Cette interface est disponible à l'adresse  https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin,ou dans le server-manager, avec l'option freePBX du menu.  
You'll need to login as admin (password of your admin's SME account) to access this part.
Vous devez vous connecter en tant que admin (mot de passe de votre compte admin de SME) pour accéder à cette partie.
You can grant the access to any user of the system using the userpanel contrib (just grant the user or the group the permission to access freepbx panel)
Vous pouvez accorder l'accès à tout utilisateur du système à l'aide de l'option de gestion des utilisateurs de SME (accorder à l'utilisateur ou au groupe, l'autorisation d'accéder à l'interface de freePBX)
==== Recordings ====
==== Recordings (Enregistrements) ====
Recordings, is a web based portal for users. You may configure some features of your phone here (followme, call forward, call waiting etc...), check you call history, or download/listen to your voicemail. This interface is available at https://server.domain.tld/recordings.
Recordings, est un portail web pour les utilisateurs. Vous pouvez configurer certaines fonctionnalités de votre téléphone ici (followme, transfert d'appel, appel en attente, etc ..), vérifier l'historique des appels, ou télécharger/écouter votre messagerie vocale. Cette interface est disponible à l'adresse 
The login here is your phone (extension) number and your voicemail password.
There's also a special admin account. The admin account can access all call logs and recordings. The login is admin, the password is randomly generated, you can find it in /opt/freepbx/recordings/includes/main.conf.php
Votre login et votre mot de passe ici sont ceux de votre numéro d'extension pour votre téléphone.
Il ya également un compte administrateur. Le compte administrateur peut accéder à tous les logs d'appels et d'enregistrements. Le login est admin, le mot de passe est généré de manière aléatoire, vous pouvez le trouver dans /opt/freepbx/recordings/includes/main.conf.php
==== Asterisk Stats ====
==== Asterisk Stats ====
[ Asterisk-Stats] is an interface to query CDR (Call Detail Reports) database. It's available on the main FreePBX interface at https://server/domain.tls/freepbx, on the "Reports" tab
[ Asterisk-Stats] est une interface de requête CDR (Call Detail Reports) (base de données des appels). Elle est disponible sur l'interface principal de freePBX à l'adresse https://serveur/domain.tls/freePBX, avec l'onglet "Rapports"
==== Flash Operator Panel ====
==== Flash Operator Panel ====
[ Flash Operator Panel] is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin. It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time. The layout is configurable (button sizes and colours, icons, etc). The FOP is available at https://server.domain.tld/panel or in the main interface in the "Panel" tab.
[ Flash Operator Panel] est une application de type tableau pour le PBX Asterisk. Il fonctionne avec un navigateur web avec le plugin flash. Il est capable d'afficher des renseignements sur votre activité PBX en temps réel. La disposition est configurable (la taille des boutons et les couleurs, les icônes, etc). Le FOP est disponible à l'adresse https://server.domain.tld/panel ou dans l'interface principale avec l'onglet "Panneau".
You can grant the access to any user of the system using the userpanel contrib (just grant the user or the group the permission to access fop panel)
Vous pouvez accorder l'accès à tout utilisateur du système à l'aide du userpanel contrib (tout accorder à l'utilisateur ou au groupe l'autorisation d'accéder à l'onglet du fop)
=== DB parameters ===
=== Paramètres BD ===
Here's the list of DB parameters:
Voici la liste des paramètres BD:
This contrib add 3 entries in the configuration db: freepbx, dahdi and fop. Here's a description of available parameters for each entry
Cette contrib ajoute 3 entrées dans la configuration bd: freePBX, dahdi et fop. Voici une description des paramètres disponibles pour chaque entrée
**'''CdrDbName''': the name of the database for CDR. The default is asteriskcdrdb. You should let this unless you know what you're doing
**'''CdrDbName''': le nom de la base de données pour le CDR. La valeur par défaut est asteriskcdrdb. Vous devez laisser ceci, sauf si vous savez ce que vous faites
**'''DbName''': the name of the database for FreePBX. The default is freepbxdb. You should let this unless you know what you're doing
**'''DbName''': le nom de la base de données pour freePBX. La valeur par défaut est freepbxdb. Vous devez laisser ceci, sauf si vous savez ce que vous faites
**'''DbPassword''': the password to access FreePBX database. A random value is generated at install time.
**'''DbPassword''': le mot de passe pour accéder à la base de données de freePBX. Une valeur aléatoire est généré lors de l'installation.
**'''DbUser''': the username to access both databases. Default is freepbxuser
**'''DbUser''': le nom de l'utilisateur pour accéder aux bases de données. La valeur par défaut est freepbxuser
**'''DeviceAndUser''': (enabled|disabled) You can enable the 'deviceanduser' display view of FreePBX. DeviceAndUser is enabled, Devices and Users will be administered separately, and Users will be able to "login" to (adhoc) devices. If disabled Devices and Users will me administered in a single screen.
**'''DeviceAndUser''': (enabled|disabled) You can enable the 'deviceanduser' display view of FreePBX. DeviceAndUser is enabled, Devices and Users will be administered separately, and Users will be able to "login" to (adhoc) devices. If disabled Devices and Users will me administered in a single screen.
**'''ManagerPassword''': This is the asterisk manager password used by FreePBX (the login is 'admin'). The default one is randomly generated at install time.
**'''ManagerPassword''': C'est le mot de passe du gestionnaire d'asterisk utilisé par freePBX (le login est «admin»). La valeur par défaut est généré aléatoirement lors de l'installation.
**'''UDPPorts''': Lists of ports used by asterisk. This settings is only useful if you want to open asterisk on the public interface (you can also restrict it with AllowHost parameter)
**'''UDPPorts''': Listes des ports utilisés par asterisk. Ce réglage est utile uniquement si vous souhaitez ouvrir asterisk sur l'interface publique (vous pouvez aussi restreindre le paramètre AllowHost)
**'''access''': (private|public). if you want to open asterisk on the public interface, you can set this to public.
**'''access''': (private|public). isi vous voulez ouvrir asterisk sur l'interface 'public', vous pouvez définir à public.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled). Should asterisk (with FreePBX provided helper script) should be started automatically.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled). Si asterisk (avec le script d'aide fourni avec freepbx) doit être lancé automatiquement.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) Should we start the FOP server with FreePBX ?
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) Faut-il lancer le serveur FOP avec freePBX?
**'''Password''': This is the additional password for FOP. There's a first password needed to access FOP (by default, only admin is allowed). This first password is your SME account password. The second password (the one on this db parameter) allow users to use drag/drop on the different items (transfer call, initiate a call, hangup etc...). The default password is a random generated one at install time.
**'''Password''': C'est le mot de passe supplémentaire pour FOP. Il y a un premier mot de passe nécessaire pour accéder à FOP (par défaut, seul admin est autorisé). Ce premier mot de passe est votre mot de passe du compte de SME. Le deuxième mot de passe (celui de ce paramètre bd) permet aux utilisateurs d'utiliser le glisser/déposer sur les différents articles (transfert d'appel, de lancer un appel, hangup etc ..). Le mot de passe par défaut est aléatoire et est généré lors de l'installation.
**'''TCPPort''': This is the TCP port used for the communication between the flash applet and FOP daemon. The default is 4445
**'''TCPPort''': C'est le port TCP utilisé pour la communication entre l'applet flash et le démon FOP. La valeur par défaut est 4445
**'''access''': The default is to allow only connections from the local network. You can allow external IP if you configure '''public''' here (and if you do so, you should limit this access to a list of IP using the AllowHost key)
**'''access''': La valeur par défaut est d'autoriser seulement les connexions au réseau local. Vous pouvez autoriser l'IP externe si vous configurez '''public''' ici (et si vous faites cela, vous devez limiter l'accès à une liste d'IP en utilisant la clé AllowHost)
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) You should let this to enabled, even if you don't have any hardware card because some functions (like meetme) requires the dahdi_dummy driver to be loaded.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) Vous devriez laisser à 'enabled', même si vous n'avez pas de matériel de carte car certaines fonctions (comme MeetMe) exige que le driver de dahdi_dummy soit chargé.
===Related pages===
===Pages liées===
You may be interested in the following how-to:
Vous pouvez être intéressé par les liens suivants:
*How-to configure your card using [[FreePBX/DAHDI|DAHDI]]
*Comment configurer votre carte utilisant [[FreePBX/DAHDI|DAHDI]]
*How-to configure your card using [[FreePBX/mISDN|mISDN]]
*Comment configurer votre carte utilisant [[FreePBX/mISDN|mISDN]]
=== Uninstall ===
=== Désinstallation ===
  yum remove smeserver-freepbx freepbx-src
  yum remove smeserver-freepbx freepbx-src
If you want to cleanup everything (MySQL databases, DB, etc...), you can use this script:
Si vous voulez tout nettoyer (bases de données MySQL, DB, etc ..), vous pouvez utiliser ce script:
        Line 149: Line 149:  
         echo "Done!"
         echo "Done!"
=== Bugs ===
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla]
and select the smeserver-freepbx component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-freepbx|title=this link}}
[[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]]<br/>
[ Firewall Services]<br>
=== Version ===
{{ #smeversion:smeserver-freepbx }}
{{ #smeversion:freepbx-src }}
=== Description ===
[ FreePBX]  is a full-featured PBX web application. If you’ve looked into Asterisk, you know that it doesn’t come with any "built in" programming. You can’t plug a phone into it and make it work without editing configuration files, writing dialplans, and various messing about.
FreePBX simplifies this by giving you pre-programmed functionality accessible by a user-friendly web interfaces that allows you to have a fully functional PBX pretty much straight away with no programming required. Some of the features that FreePBX supports out of the box are:
*Unlimited number of Voicemail boxes
*"Follow Me" functionality
*Ring Groups with calls confirmation (so if, eg, a cellphone is out of range and diverts to voicemail, all the other phones keep ringing)
*Unlimited number of Conferences (limited by available CPU power - about 300 simultaneous users in conferences on a P4 3ghz - 600 with a dual core!)
*Paging and Intercom functionality for man SIP phones that support it.
*Music on Hold (via MP3s, or streamed off the internet)
*Call Queues
*And many other features
=== Requirements ===
*SME Server 7.X
*You may also want some hardware cards if you don't want your installation to be IP only. I've tested successfully the TDM400P, TDM410P and b410P (misdn) from Digium, but any card supported by DAHDI (should be anything working with zaptel) should work.
=== Installation ===
{{Warning box|FreePBX will manage all asterisk configuration. If you have already configured asterisk by hands, you should backup everything. Of course, you'll latter be able to customize some parts of the diaplan, but in special files. Also, FreePBX is NOT compatible with SAIL (it's an alternative)}}
*Install the rpms
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-freepbx
You may also want to install dahdi drivers (it's the new name for zaptel) if you have an hardware card supported
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install dahdi-tools dahdi-linux dahdi-linux-kmdl-$(uname -r)
*Finish the installation
To finish the installation, you should issue the command
signal-event freepbx-update
The first time this event runs, it'll install FreePBX. You'll find installation's log in /root/freepbx_install.log
You should now be able to start using FreePBX on https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin
=== Components ===
FreePBX is composed of 4 main parts: the main FreePBX interface, Recordings, Asterisk-Stats and Flash Operator Panel
==== FreePBX ====
This is the main web interface for asterisk configuration. This interface is available at https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin, or in the server-manager, under FreePBX menu.
You'll need to login as admin (password of your admin's SME account) to access this part.
You can grant the access to any user of the system using the userpanel contrib (just grant the user or the group the permission to access freepbx panel)
==== Recordings ====
Recordings, is a web based portal for users. You may configure some features of your phone here (followme, call forward, call waiting etc...), check you call history, or download/listen to your voicemail. This interface is available at https://server.domain.tld/recordings.
The login here is your phone (extension) number and your voicemail password.
There's also a special admin account. The admin account can access all call logs and recordings. The login is admin, the password is randomly generated, you can find it in /opt/freepbx/recordings/includes/main.conf.php
==== Asterisk Stats ====
[ Asterisk-Stats] is an interface to query CDR (Call Detail Reports) database. It's available on the main FreePBX interface at https://server/domain.tls/freepbx, on the "Reports" tab
==== Flash Operator Panel ====
[ Flash Operator Panel] is a switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin. It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time. The layout is configurable (button sizes and colours, icons, etc). The FOP is available at https://server.domain.tld/panel or in the main interface in the "Panel" tab.
You can grant the access to any user of the system using the userpanel contrib (just grant the user or the group the permission to access fop panel)
=== DB parameters ===
Here's the list of DB parameters:
This contrib add 3 entries in the configuration db: freepbx, dahdi and fop. Here's a description of available parameters for each entry
**'''CdrDbName''': the name of the database for CDR. The default is asteriskcdrdb. You should let this unless you know what you're doing
**'''DbName''': the name of the database for FreePBX. The default is freepbxdb. You should let this unless you know what you're doing
**'''DbPassword''': the password to access FreePBX database. A random value is generated at install time.
**'''DbUser''': the username to access both databases. Default is freepbxuser
**'''DeviceAndUser''': (enabled|disabled) You can enable the 'deviceanduser' display view of FreePBX. DeviceAndUser is enabled, Devices and Users will be administered separately, and Users will be able to "login" to (adhoc) devices. If disabled Devices and Users will me administered in a single screen.
**'''ManagerPassword''': This is the asterisk manager password used by FreePBX (the login is 'admin'). The default one is randomly generated at install time.
**'''UDPPorts''': Lists of ports used by asterisk. This settings is only useful if you want to open asterisk on the public interface (you can also restrict it with AllowHost parameter)
**'''access''': (private|public). if you want to open asterisk on the public interface, you can set this to public.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled). Should asterisk (with FreePBX provided helper script) should be started automatically.
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) Should we start the FOP server with FreePBX ?
**'''Password''': This is the additional password for FOP. There's a first password needed to access FOP (by default, only admin is allowed). This first password is your SME account password. The second password (the one on this db parameter) allow users to use drag/drop on the different items (transfer call, initiate a call, hangup etc...). The default password is a random generated one at install time.
**'''TCPPort''': This is the TCP port used for the communication between the flash applet and FOP daemon. The default is 4445
**'''access''': The default is to allow only connections from the local network. You can allow external IP if you configure '''public''' here (and if you do so, you should limit this access to a list of IP using the AllowHost key)
**'''status''': (enabled|disabled) You should let this to enabled, even if you don't have any hardware card because some functions (like meetme) requires the dahdi_dummy driver to be loaded.
===Related pages===
You may be interested in the following how-to:
*How-to configure your card using [[FreePBX/DAHDI|DAHDI]]
*How-to configure your card using [[FreePBX/mISDN|mISDN]]
=== Uninstall ===
yum remove smeserver-freepbx freepbx-src
If you want to cleanup everything (MySQL databases, DB, etc...), you can use this script:
echo "----------------------------"
echo "!!!!!    WARNING    !!!!!"
echo "----------------------------"
echo ""
echo "This script will remove from your server:"
echo "    - freepbx and asterisk cdr MySQL databases"
echo "    - freepbx MySQL User"
echo "    - freepbx DB entries (freepbx, httpd-fpbx and dahdi)"
echo "    - /opt/freepbx"
echo ""
echo -n "Are you sure you want to remove FreePBX permanently ? (y/n) [n] "
read confirm
if [ "$confirm" = "y" -o "$confirm" = "Y" ]; then
        echo "Droping MySQL databases..."
        DBNAME=$(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx DbName)
        CDRDBNAME=$(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx CdrDbName)
        mysql -e "DROP DATABASE $DBNAME"
        mysql -e "DROP DATABASE $CDRDBNAME"
        echo "Deleting MySQL User..."
        DBUSER=$(/sbin/e-smith/db configuration getprop freepbx DbUser)
        mysql -u root -e "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '$DBUSER'@'localhost';"
        mysql -u root -e "DROP USER '$DBUSER'@'localhost';" > /dev/null 2>&1
        echo "Removing SME DB entries..."
        /sbin/e-smith/db configuration delete freepbx
        /sbin/e-smith/db configuration delete httpd-fpbx
        /sbin/e-smith/db configuration delete dahdi
        echo "Removing /opt/freepbx ..."
        rm -rf /opt/freepbx
        echo "Done!"
=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla]
Merci de faire parvenir les problèmes à SME-Contribs sur [ bugzilla]  
and select the smeserver-freepbx component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-freepbx|title=this link}}
en sélectionnant le logiciel smeserver-freepbx ou en utilisant un de ces liens : {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-freepbx|title=this link}}
[[Category: Contrib/fr]]


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