3,742 bytes added
, 14:37, 14 July 2009
=== About ===
If you have several SME installations to update you can save time and bandwidth by using a local repository.
=== Installation ===
From the server-manager create an [[http://wiki.contribs.org/SME_Server:Documentation:Administration_Manual:Chapter14 | ibay]] with the following properties:
* name: repos
* group: Admin
* user access: write=admin,read=group
* public access: Local network (no pass)
* Execution of dynamic content: disabled
To enable the following of symlinks for this ibay run the following from the [[SME_Server:Documentation:Administration_Manual:Chapter6#Accessing_the_Linux_Root_Prompt | console's commandline]]:
db accounts setprop repos FollowSymLinks enabled
signal-event ibay-modify repos
And to give us a nice directory index if we browse to this ibay lets remove the default index file:
cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/repos/html
rm index.html
Now lets create a template fragment for our crontab job to sync the needed repositories to our server:
vim /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/crontab/91_rsync_repos
Add the following rsync job to the newly created template fragment. All directories we do not want to sync are disabled with the <tt>--exclude</tt> parameter except for the 'smeupdates' directory which we want to replicate:
# Rsync SME-Server updates to local repository at 21 minutes after the hour, every two hours. Standard output is deleted (> /dev/null)
21 */2 * * * root /usr/bin/rsync -aHhimOSz --partial --timeout 300 --delay-updates --delete-after --delete --max-delete 1000 --exclude 'contribs/' --exclude 'mirrorlist/' --exclude 'obsolete/' --exclude 'testing/' --exclude 'iso/' --exclude 'smeaddons/' --exclude 'smecontribs/' --exclude 'smedev/' --exclude 'smeextras/' --exclude 'smeos/' --exclude 'smetest/' --exclude 'smeupdates-testing/' --exclude 'SRPMS/' ibiblio.org::Linux/distributions/smeserver /home/e-smith/files/ibays/repos/html/ > /dev/null
To activate the new fragment:
expand-template /etc/crontab
{{Tip box|If you would want to see what directories are offered by ibiblio.org you can run the following command:
rsync ibiblio.org::Linux/distributions/smeserver/}}
=== Client configuration ===
In the 'client' servers who will download their updates from this local repository we will disable the standard smeupdates repo:
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories setprop smeupdates status disabled
And we will ad our own local repository. '''Replace the''' <tt><yourServersIP or FQDN></tt> '''part with the IP-address or the Fully Qualified Domain Name from the repo-server you created above''':
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set smeupdates-local repository \
Name 'SME Server - updates (local)' \
BaseURL 'http://<yourServersIP or FQDN>/repos/smeserver/releases/7/smeupdates/$basearch' \
EnableGroups yes \
GPGCheck yes \
Visible yes \
status enabled
To enable these changes:
signal-event yum-modify
Just to be sure, give yum a fresh start:
yum clean all
=== Uninstall ===
To completely remove this installation we need to do things on the server and all the previously configured clients.
==== server ====
Remove the cronjob template fragment and activate this change:
rm /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/crontab/91_rsync_repos
expand-template /etc/crontab
The 'repos' ibay and all of it's containing files can be completely removed from the server-manager.
==== clients ====
Te re-enable the default smeupdates repository and delete our local repository, run:
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories setprop smeupdates status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories delete smeupdates-local
To enable these changes:
signal-event yum-modify
Again to be sure, give yum a fresh start:
yum clean all
[[Category: Howto]]