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===Conecting multiple UPS's===
===Conecting multiple UPS's===
To be added
To be added
==Modifying UPS Parameters==
In some cases you may wish to modify parameters on the actual UPS such as the Low Charge/LOWBATTERY setting. This requires the use of the '''upsrw''' command and temporary modifications to the '''upsd.users''' configuration file. In general, the UPS data should be left protected and changes thought out. If you wish to make the administrative privileges more permanent, then you can make custom templates as identified in the section "Additional Information".
In the examples below, it is assumed your UPS name is '''ups''' and that the UPS is local. you can verify the UPS name via:
upsc -l
To determine the modifiable parameters for your UPS execute the command:
upsrw ups
next we need to create a temporary user with privileges to modify these parameters. First make a safe copy of /etc/ups/upsd.users
cp /etc/ups/upsd.users /etc/ups/upsd.users.backup
Modify /etc/ups/upsd.users and add the user "admin" or anything else you prefer. The entry should look like the other entries and be something like:
password = admin
allowfrom = localhost
actions = set
Now reload the config files:
upsd -c reload
You can now modify the parameters you wish using a command similar to:
upsrw -s battery.charge.low=20 -u admin -p admin ups
Where the value after '''-s''' should be one of the parameters identified by the '''upsrw ups''' command and where "-u admin -p admin" is the username and password set above and '''ups''' is the name of your ups. You can of course verify your changes using '''upsrw ups'''.
After you are done, clean up:
mv /etc/ups/upsd.users.backup /etc/ups/upsd.users
upsd -c reload
More information on upsrw can be found at:
man upsrw
==Aditional Information==
==Aditional Information==