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==Chapter 4 - Webmail==
==Chapter 4 - Webmail==
If you wish, you can configure your SME Server so that users can access their email via a web interface. Once webmail is enabled, users will be able to access their email from the local network or anywhere in the world via the Internet using any web browser which supports Javascript and tables, which almost all browsers do.
If you wish, you can configure your SME Server so that users can access their email via a web interface. Once webmail is enabled, users will be able to access their email from the local network or anywhere in the world via the Internet using any web browser which supports Javascript and tables, which almost all browsers do.
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1. Connect to the server-manager and login as the admin user.
1. Connect to the server-manager and login as the admin user.
2. In the Configuration group, click on email and then the 'change email access settings' button. You are given two webmail options:
2. In the Configuration group, click on email and then the 'change email access settings' button. There are three webmail options:
* Disabled
*Enabled (Allow HTTPS secure) - Allows users to connect only through a secure SSL connection.
* Allow HTTPS secure local and public
* Allow HTTPS secure from local networks
After you enable webmail, your users should be able to connect and use webmail.
After you enable webmail, your users should be able to connect and use webmail.
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You can view and edit your contacts through two menu choices. From the left menu you can choose Contacts . This allows you to view or edit contacts, but does not allow you to add a contact to an e-mail list. To add a contact, you must open the Contacts window from the "Contacts" link in a Compose window, as highlighted in the image below.
You can view and edit your contacts through two menu choices. From the left menu you can choose Contacts . This allows you to view or edit contacts, but does not allow you to add a contact to an e-mail list. To add a contact, you must open the Contacts window from the "Contacts" link in a Compose window, as highlighted in the image below.
When you create your own address book, you must then go to options,
address book, column options, and choose which additional columns you want
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Note that you also have the option of inserting this entry directly into your Contacts list. If you have a large company directory, you may find this a useful way of ensuring that frequently used contacts are readily available.
Note that you also have the option of inserting this entry directly into your Contacts list. If you have a large company directory, you may find this a useful way of ensuring that frequently used contacts are readily available.
{{Note box|Unlike your local Contacts list, you cannot directly update entries that are in the company directory. Instead, those entries must be updated by the system administrator using the Directory panel in the server-manager. See the Directory section of Chapter 13 for more information.}}
{{Note box|Unlike your local Contacts list, you cannot directly update entries that are in the company directory. Instead, those entries must be updated by the system administrator using the Directory panel in the server-manager. See the Directory section of [[SME_Server:Documentation:Administration_Manual:Chapter13#Directory|Chapter 13]] for more information.}}
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When you are done modifying your preferences, press the Save Preferences button at the bottom of the page.
When you are done modifying your preferences, press the Save Preferences button at the bottom of the page.
===Helpful Webmail Plugins===
A number of helpful plugins are available for use with Webmail. Some plugins such as '''Turba''' (address book) and '''Ingo''' (email filter rules manager) are already included in the base package. A partial list of other helpful plugins with links to convenient installation instructions follows below.
* '''Nag''' is a task list application. It stores todo items, things due later this week, etc. It is very similar in functionality to the Palm ToDo application. [ Nag install HOW TO]
* '''Mnemo''' is a notes and memos application. It lets users keep free-text notes and other bits of information which doesn't fit as a contact, a todo item, an event, etc. It is very similar in functionality to the Palm Memo application. [ Mnemo install HOW TO]
* '''Kronolith''' is a web-based calendar system written in PHP and utilizing the built-in Horde Application Framework. [ Kronolith install HOW TO]
* '''Trean''' is a bookmarks manager, allowing you to store your bookmarks in one place and access them from any browser.
* '''Gollem''' is a web-based file manager integrated with the rest of Horde.
===Webmail Whitelists===
Webmails whitelist has nothing to do with spamassassin or filtering into
the junkmail folder. Messages are already sorted into the junkmail folder by
spamassassin before webmail has any chance to look at them.
===Webmail broken after upgrade===
After the usual post-upgrade and reboot, webmail is broken with messages like the following in the messages log:
Apr 20 17:29:53 mail [4614]: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
in /home/httpd/html/horde/imp/lib/Block/tree_folders.php on line 65
Apr 20 17:29:53 mail [4614]: PHP Warning: Unknown(): Unable to call () - function does not exist
in Unknown on line 0
As workaround, logout of Horde, close the browser, reopen, log in to Horde, Webmail should now be fully functional. (Based on suggested fix in [[Bugzilla:5177]])