drive from a system, mount it, and do a restore from it.
drive from a system, mount it, and do a restore from it.
This includes mysql databases even for contribs. Thus after the restore if you re-add the same contribs (save version too) then your contribs should be able to access their mysql database. Note comment in regards /opt below.
It does not restore contribs or manually added software, except if it's in an Ibay and instructs you to move custom-templates. Pay special attention to contribs that store data files in /opt as this will not move automatically thus after remounting the old drive you may need to move the data files over after you have re-installed the contribs.
It does not restore contribs or manually added software, except if it's in an Ibay and instructs you to move custom-templates. Pay special attention to contribs that store data files in /opt as this will not move automatically thus after remounting the old drive you may need to move the data files over after you have re-installed the contribs.
The restore includes mysql databases even for contribs. Thus after the restore if you re-add the same contribs (save version too) then your contribs should be able to access their mysql database. Note comment in regards /opt above.