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Smeserver-shellinabox for SME Server 8 and 9

This contrib is made to help the managing of the command line with a terminal in your web browser. This is the official website to report issues on


stephdl Stéphane de Labrusse AKA Stephdl


Devel 10:
The latest version of smeserver-shellinabox is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.



The purpose is to have in the server-manager an ajax web based emulator instead to use putty or a terminal. The RPM comes from epel...This contribs is done either for sme8 or sme9


You need to enable the stephdl and epel repositories


Remember to first configure the required stephdl and epel repositories, then issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

yum install smeserver-shellinabox --enablerepo=stephdl,epel

The 'official' way is to perform

signal-event post-upgrade;  signal-event reboot

but if you don't want to reboot your server, do

signal-event console-save


signal-event shellinaboxd

now you can use the contrib in the server-manager or with the url https://sme-host_or_ip/shell

Go to the panel of shellinabox on Server Manager (ssh via a web browser) and use the credentials of root to login, think to test the right clic, you will find other options.

this is the default DB value

# config show shellinaboxd 
   FixedIP=                  #You can precise which IP can connect (You have to set PublicAccess to IP)
   Name=shell                #You can change this folder if you want
   PublicAccess=local        #local=localnetwork,global=internet,IP=one IP allowed,none=no access
   ShellUsers=               #SME users allowed to use shellinabox only through the apache authentication, use coma to separate users : user1,user2,user3
   TcpPort=1870              #You can change the port if you want
   WebAuth=disabled          #Force or not the apache authentication : enabled/disabled
   status=enabled            #enabled or disabled
  • Admin or ShellUsers are real users of server-manager with their credentials (used only for the http authentication).
  • HTTPS is always forced.
  • The Apache authentication is only forced if the PublicAccess is not set to local, you have to authenticate throught apache with admin or using ShellUsers.
  • If you want you can force the apache authentication with the DB WebAuth (set it to enabled to enforce).

for example :

config setprop shellinaboxd PublicAccess global
signal-event shellinaboxd


yum remove smeserver-shellinabox; signal-event console-save


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-shellinabox component or use this link

12376SME Contribs10.0RESOLVEDMigrate to systemd and fix httpd config


Only versions released in smecontrib are listed here.