Uninterruptable Power Supply

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The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide reliable monitoring of UPS hardware and ensure safe shutdowns of the systems which are connected.

The default configuration of NUT, will keep your connected systems operational until a critical battery state is reached (ie battery is nearing exhaustion) and then power down your server/equipment in a controlled fashion. See http://www.networkupstools.org/

Default Configuration (USB)

Most USB connected UPS's will work with the default settings. If using a USB connection just enable nut as follows:

config setprop nut status enabled
signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot

If your USB UPS does not work properly OR you have a serial device then follow the Configuration Options below.

Configuration Options

Not all UPS's are supported by USB or the newhidups driver, refer to: http://www.networkupstools.org/compat/stable.html to find the configuration details for your model of UPS.

For example Model bcmxcp_usb is for some Powerware units connected via USB or Model genericups for other Powerware units that only work on serial.

Serial Connection

Caution: ALWAYS use the serial cable supplied with the UPS. Standard serial cables won't work with a serial UPS and have been known to cause damage to the UPS.

The following are basic example settings. Replace the properties with the appropriate settings for your UPS:

config setprop nut Model genericups 
config setprop nut Device /dev/ttyS0
config setprop nut Type 7
config setprop nut status enabled 

Note: "Type" is only used if your model is Model genericups.


config show nut

Apply changes and restart server:

signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot 

Alternatively, with NUT not running or a server reboot:

expand-template /etc/sysconfig/ups
expand-template /etc/ups/*
/etc/rc7.d/S38nut start

Confirm server is communicating with UPS:

upsc UPS@localhost

For serial connected APC Smart UPS's there is a step by step How To: APC_Serial_UPS. This also shows how to configure the udev system instead of using a direct reference to the serial port.

Whenever a UPS event occurs Emails are sent to the admin account.

Configuring as a slave

Set configuration values:

config setprop nut SlaveUPS UPS@
config setprop nut Master no

Where is your UPS master, that is the computer that is in direct communication with the UPS. The hostname of that computer may also work.

Apply changes and restart server:

signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot 

Confirm server is communicating with master:

upsc UPS@

Conecting multiple UPS's

To be added http://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=629

Aditional Information

There are template fragments in /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/ups that control the config files located in /etc/ups. The default settings should be OK for most situations.

For information on configuration parameters:

man ups.conf
man upsd.conf
man upsd.users
man upsmon.conf
man upssched.conf

For general information:

man upsd
man nutupsdrv