From SME Server
Revision as of 07:40, 22 April 2008 by Cactus (talk | contribs) (Updated installation instructions and added current version numbers and location)
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Darrel May (Contrib)

=== Version ===Template:Version Template:Version Template:Version


This contrib uses dar (http://dar.linux.free.fr) to create a feature rich backup system for smeserver 7.x. It adds a server-manager panel (Backup > Disk ARchive) to define, schedule and launch server backups and restores, including full disaster recovery, to and from network shares or an attached local disk. The destination network share can be any accessible network mapped drive. Another server, pc workstation or network attached hard drive. The destination local disk can be any mountable hard disk. IDE/SCSI/SATA/USB. In addition an unlimited number of custom backups may be scheduled.


To install this contribs issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

yum install smeserver-dar2 --enablerepo=smecontribs


The contrib adds a server-manager panel labeled 'Backup > Disk ARchive'. All backup and restore operations may be performed using this panel. Usage instructions are detailed in the panel text.

Additional information

There is no yum update server for this contribution.

The dar utility is available for a number of platforms, including Windows. The Windows Version is command-line only, with no graphical view of files for restoring. A graphical interface (kdar) is available for Linux platforms.

Midnight Commander (MC) dar-extension

With the installation of DAR2 comes an extension for viewing .dar files from within Midnight Commander but it is not installed by default. You can find the files extracted in the /opt/dar2-mc directory. For installation of this extension run the install.sh shell script with:

cd /opt/dar2-mc

DAR2 command line scripts

Located in /etc/e-smith/events/actions/

dar2-backup = script that performs backup
dar2-dr-restore = script that performs a complete disaster recovery restore
dar2-mc = script that launches Midnight Commander and provides access to your archives
dar2-restore = script that performs restore


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in dar2 and select the smeserver-dar2 component or use this link .

Check installed version

yum info installed smeserver-dar2