OpenOffice for Windows

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Michael Weinberger


This contrib provides a RPM that integrates the OpenOfficePortable application (Windows Version) into the SME Server. The OpenOffice executables are installed in a Samba share so that users can run all modules like Writer, Calc, Impress etc. immediately after domain logon without any installation or configuration on their Windows XP/2000 computers. The individual OpenOffice user profiles are stored on the SME Server in a hidden Samba share.

This contrib has been successfully tested on Windows XP and 2000 computers, but there is no guarantee that it will work on every Windows XP/2000 installation. It may depend on the servicepacks or other software you have installed. Please also note, that (optional) scripts add commands to the netlogon.bat that modifies the Windows Registry. Take the usual precautions!


Download SME Server Package

Download the RPM from

Download OpenOfficePortable Setup Program for Windows

On a Windows computer log into the domain as domain user 'admin' with the SME admin password. Download and save the OpenOfficePortable setup program from Soureforge download page. There are serveral localized versions available. In the installation chapter below the English version OpenOffice_Portable_2.3.1_Rev_2_en-us.paf.exe is used.


RPM Installation

/usr/bin/yum localinstall smeserver-openoffice-portable-*.noarch.rpm 

OpenOfficePortable Binary Installation

On the Windows computer log into the domain as domain user 'admin' with the SME admin password. Run the OpenOfficePortable installation program. Enter exactly the the destination folder as shown in the screenshot, where MYPDC is to be replaced by the SMB servername of your SME Server.  

Now walk through the setup dialog...


Accept the license.


Leave these fields empty.


Uncheck automatic updates.


Do not register.


When you have finished the setup, OpenOffice starts. Open the 'Options' dialog.


Now walk through the options and adjust them to your needs. Note that you are about creating the initial default user profile for all existing and future new users. Once you have initialized the user profile, you cannot change it after that without starting from the scratch.

When finished click OK and log off from the domain.


Setup and Configuration on the SME Server

Initializing the User Profiles

Run the script


This creates the user profile directories for all existings users and copies the default profile into them. The OpenOffice bootstrap.ini file is patched to use the new path. The user profiles are stored in /home/e-smith/files/ooSettings. When new SME users are created, the OpenOffice profile will be created automatically by an action script in the create-user event.

Users now can start OpenOffice by running \\MYPDC\openoffice\OpenOfficePortable\OpenOfficePortable.exe

Important: From now on you should never run OpenOffice as domain user admin again!

Register OpenOffice File Extensions (optional)

On the SME Server run as root the script


This registers the file extensions .odb, .odg, .odm, .odp, .ods, .odt and .rtf and associates them to the OpenOfficePortable application. It is done by adding Windows Registry commands to the netlogon.bat file, which are executed at domain user logon.

Register Microsoft Office File Extensions (optional)

On the SME Server run as root the script


This registers the file extensions .doc, .xls and .ppt and associates them to the OpenOfficePortable application. It is done by adding Windows Registry commands to the netlogon.bat file, which are executed at domain user logon.

Assign Windows Drive Letter (optional)

On the SME Server run as root the script

openoffice-drive-letter <LETTER>:

This assigns a drive letter to the openoffice share. It is done by adding a 'net use' command to the netlogon.bat file.

Users now can start OpenOffice by running <LETTER>:\OpenOfficePortable


Cleaning up netlogon.bat

openoffice-assoc-oo remove
openoffice-assoc-ms remove
openoffice-drive-letter remove
rm -f /home/e-smith/files/samba/netlogon/file-assoc-ms.*

Removing the RPM

/usr/bin/yum erase smeserver-openoffice-portable

Removing the OpenOffice installation

rm -rf /opt/openoffice

Removing the user profiles

rm -rf /home/e-smith/files/ooSettings
