Talk:OCS Inventory Tools

From SME Server
Revision as of 01:50, 9 November 2007 by Cool34000 (talk | contribs) (→‎RPM 1-6)
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known bugs

There are still some bugs in this RPM... Help us to fix them!

ipdiscover bug

We need to confirm that ipdiscover works when the smeserver is the forced client.

I Tried the following:

ipdiscover eth0 10
Usage : ipdiscover [iface name] [latency in ms]

Here's what I got on my server:


Sounds like it's working for me... But IpDiscover discovers nothing when launched by SME OCS' Agent. There must be a problem here!

Windows Agent don't have this problem...


deployment deletion bug

When you delete a package, ocs complains, but it deletes the files anyway, document later


The only way I was able to reproduce an error on package deletion is when I refreshed the page (as files were already removed, I got an error)

Could you be more clear on this bug? How did it happened?


add a package, deploy > activate > click on the red X

ERROR: Can't delete directory /opt/inventory/ocs/download/1194511477

I have documented that you can ignore the error, maybe i should say if you see the error you can ignore?


www/ocs/install.php bugs

ocsagent.exe is not needed if you plan to use the Agent as a service...

This file allows you to make inventories of computers without having the Agent installed.

Once installed in ocs, you can use the standalone executable OCSLogon.exe to inventory a single computer without having to install the service (better control for logon scripts and think of what you can do with a simple USB key!)

First, you need to import the file in the database. Go to www/ocs/install.php and relaunch the install (this is harmless) with an mysql admin account (I use phpmyadmin so this is admin)

After a 1st warning, refresh and the agent.exe should import itself in mysql database. Not sure about what is does, the only thing I've noticed is that ocsweb's database grows of 1.5MB after this!!! So I guess the file is imported in mysql, this is really strange but it do the job!

Once imported, the file should be deletable...

I think the 1st error screen can be fixed, maybe with raising the good value, mysql tries to import 1.5MB, this is huge!

RPM 1-6

RPM sent, these dependencies are giving me headaches! -> going to bed

- Removed useless MySQL custom-template
- Removed ocsagent.exe and guide.pdf
- Upload limit fixed
- 'MaxUpload' DB entry added to set dynamically max upload file size (default still at 10M)
- Events moved to domain-modify
- 2 new 'url' types added for ocs' virtual locations
- Uninstall script now also deletes new DB values + logs + old inventories
- Improved Apache templates to allow adding aliases for both web interfaces
- RPM runs silently :'(

SN - excellent !

SN - didn't you need ocsagent.exe ?

SG - I tryed to import this file directly in the DB, but can't re-import it then... :'(

SG - It was a long time ago, can't remember the error.

SN - should the default be 100M, say to allow for openoffice

SG - I really don't know... This is why I let 10M as this is SME default, and this can be changed via the DB...

SG - Do you know any impact on security on stability or problems that we could come across with large values?

future RPM

What will be fixed in next RPM release...


change the install method to install the perl dependencies that are available from existing repos.

Then you can reduce the number of perl rpms in your download the less you are responsible for the better

yum localinstall smeserver-inventory-tools* --enablerepo=dag --enablerepo=extras [is extras a repo?]


Is this just a doc issue or do I need to change the Requires?

All needed deps are should be in extras and mostly in dag

Here's the actual list of Requires in the .spec file (edit if needed):

 - Requires:  e-smith-base  SN - NOT NEEDED IF YOU HAVE BELOW
 - Requires:  e-smith-release >= 7              # Note: SME >8 may need a fix if it uses mod_perl >=2  (could be good to test and be ready!)
Requires:  mod_perl >= 1.99_16-4
Requires:  monitor-edid >= 1.11-1            #ocs Agent
Requires:  ocsinventory-ipdiscover >= 1.01-2 #ocs Agent => will remove this one as it's already a dependency of ocsinventory-agent
Requires:  ocsinventory-agent >= 0.0.6-1     #ocs Agent
Requires:  perl-Apache-DBI >= 0.9901-2.2
Requires:  perl-Archive-Tar >= 1.23-3.99_2
Requires:  perl-Compress-Zlib >= 1.42-1
Requires:  perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum >= 0.03-1.2
Requires:  perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA >= 0.21-1.2
Requires:  perl-IO-Socket-SSL >= 1.01-1
Requires:  perl-IO-Zlib >= 1.04-2
Requires:  perl-Mail-DomainKeys >= 0.21-2
Requires:  perl-MIME-Lite >= 3.01-2.2
Requires:  perl-Net-IP >= 1.23-1
Requires:  perl-Net-Jabber >= 2.0-1.2
Requires:  perl-Net-XMPP >= 1.0-1.2
Requires:  perl-SOAP-Lite >= 0.69-1
Requires:  perl-XML-SAX >= -0.12-7
Requires:  perl-XML-Simple >= 2.14-4
Requires:  perl-XML-Stream >= 1.22-1.2
Conflicts: smeserver-ocs_inventory_ng  # old RPM version, here for safety!
Conflicts: smeserver-glpi              # old RPM version, here for safety!

I've noticed that rpm handles dependencies even when they are not in the Requires (looks to be parsing some file)

Maybe I can remove almost all of them?

Will take any advice, I'm not familiar with this! SN - DOESN'T HURT TO LEAVE THEM IN

PS: installing an SME 7.1 right now to see what happens without Requires all perl deps...



=> fresh 7.1 final CD install - no updates

=> dag added to yum repos (disabled and invisible)

=> removed all perl dependencies:

Requires:           e-smith-base
Requires:           e-smith-release >= 7
Requires:           monitor-edid >= 1.11-1
Requires:           ocsinventory-ipdiscover >= 1.01-2
Requires:           ocsinventory-agent >= 0.0.6-1
Conflicts:          smeserver-ocs_inventory_ng
Conflicts:          smeserver-glpi

Put agent+server (4 files) in /root and tryed:

# yum localinstall *.rpm --enablerepo=*
 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
 monitor-edid               i386    1.11-1.el4.remi  monitor-edid-1.11-1.el4.remi.i386.rpm             130 k
 ocsinventory-agent         noarch  0.0.6-1.el4.remi ocsinventory-agent-0.0.6-1.el4.remi.noarch.rpm    202 k
 ocsinventory-ipdiscover    i386    1.01-2.el4.remi  ocsinventory-ipdiscover-1.01-2.el4.remi.i386.rpm  8.5 k
 smeserver-inventory-tools  i386    1-7              smeserver-inventory-tools-1-7.i386.rpm            3.0 M
Installing for dependencies:
 mod_perl                i386       1.99_16-4.5        smeos           1.4 M
 perl-Compress-Zlib      i386       1.42-1.el4.rf      dag             152 k
 perl-Net-IP             noarch     1.25-1.el4.rf      smeos            30 k
 perl-Net-SSLeay         i386       1.30-4.el4.centos  extras          198 k
 perl-XML-Simple         noarch     2.17-1.el4.rf      dag              71 k

Transaction Summary
Install      9 Package(s)
Update       0 Package(s)
Remove       0 Package(s)
Total download size: 5.2 M

A lot are missing... The RPM installed but I got an error trying to contact the server!