Talk:OCS Inventory Tools

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Revision as of 12:03, 5 November 2007 by Cool34000 (talk | contribs)
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a. A big warning needs to be added that deployment does not work. (building a package)

c. cactus, did you revert more than you intended ?
and the current fr version, there are manual references and OCS usage
I was going to remove the deployment section when i couldn't get it to work but it was all gone ;-)

Snoble 06:46, 4 November 2007 (MST)

Stefen, I've added a few pics for GLPI. It's not very detailled but at least people will know how to sync GLPI with OCS.

Maybe we should add back IP discovery and deployment sections and make a warning box to warn people that ipdiscovery has not been tested yet and that deployment do not work right now. That's what I did in the French article (as I translated the modified article into French while you were reverting changes) As soon as I will find a fix for the download folder, I will build a new RPM.


Hi again...

I've made a new RPM with a few modifications. New RPM&SRPM can be found here (as soon as mirors will sync)

  • index.php was fixed by adding the following line to fix the location of the download folder:
  • ocsagent.exe was added to ./ocs/files/ (found this info in guide.pdf)
  • Apache template was modified to allow upload. I don't know if the 1st modification is useful:
Alias /download /opt/inventory/ocs/download
php_admin_value open_basedir /opt/inventory/ocs:/tmp


yes the howto should warn deploy and ipdiscover don't work yet

thanks for the new rpm, deploy > build now works (uploads to downloads)

deploy > activate fails, currently you can't see www/download, you need to edit the httpd fragment. eg.

Alias /download /opt/inventory/ocs/download
<Directory /opt/inventory/ocs/download>
   Options None
   Options +Indexes
   Options +Includes
   AllowOverride None
   order deny,allow
   deny from all
   allow from
 php_admin_value open_basedir /opt/inventory/ocs:/tmp

now you can see it but activate still fails !@#$

Snoble 01:21, 5 November 2007 (MST)

I also get stuck when I try to activate a package: I'm getting warnings about information files and fragments not being present at https://myserver/download/123456789 and at http://myserver/download/123456789

Of course files and fragments are at the good place and reachable...

This is really weird because according to the guide.pdf, files can be placed on any https capable apache server in ./download/123456789 and accessible at https://fileserver/download/123456789

I get a 403 error page at http://myserver/download but if I put an empty index.html file inside the folder and I can see now a blank page at http://myserver/download

So this folder is now reachable for sure with your fixes...

There is also this section about "https certificate" in guide.pdf at sections 8.2 & 8.8.1. I didn't create the needed cacert.pem file, did you?


I've successfully tested ipdiscover. As I only have 3 computers for testings, I forced ipdiscover on 2 computer and they discovered my router and my Wifi AP :-)

I've added back stephen's improvements (ocs ng setions)
